Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Google+ Pages Affects SEO

Google + Pages

Google Plus is growing at a high rate.  Since its implementation in June, initially on an invite-only basis, it has collected 50 million users; this is a 16th of Facebook’s users.  On November 7th, Google Plus began allowing businesses to host profiles (i.e. pages), whereas before, it was only individual user profiles.  Google Plus is another means, like Facebook and Twitter, for businesses to get the word out about their brand, products, and services; Google Plus’ new business pages means a lot to the world of search engine optimization.

(Heads-up: You can Check out SEO Hacker’s Google + business page and include us in your Circles )

Before explaining how Google Plus pages will affect SEO, it is important to have a general idea of how the +1 button works.  Google Plus users can, “+1 the things around the web” that they “like, agree with, or want to recommend to others.”  According to Google, when users click the +1 button, they are publically showing that they approve of the brand, product, service, cause, etc.

Sharing +1s is done in the following mediums:

  • Users’ personal recommendations.
    If a user chooses to do so, they can share their +1 of websites, business pages, and Google search results and ads with one or more of their circles and contacts.
  • Anonymous recommendations.
    When anyone is on a website or page that has a product, service, etc., viewers can see how many times said product, service, etc. was +1ed.  Additionally, +1 recommendations now show up on some Google search results.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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