Saturday, July 24, 2010

Why you easily fall in love after a breakup | God and you

Isn’t it a wonder how easily you fall for someone after you’ve just gotten out of a romantic relationship? Have you ever felt like needing someone for you to love and care about and likewise who loves and cares about you right after a breakup or, as the famous Lady Gaga puts it, after a “Bad Romance?”

I'm sure you've been through one

I'm sure you've been through one

This entry has been inspired by events that has transpired in my life that impacted me emotionally as well as intellectually.

I’ve never had a girlfriend before

But if you’ve been following my entries lately, you know that I’ve involved myself in a romantic relationship. And in the middle of it all, God told me that it’s just not for me – at least not yet.

And so throughout the time in between that event and today, I’ve been under a flurry of emotional barrage that has consistently tried to penetrate the way I think. In some cases, it got through, and in some, I pondered it carefully. It’s such a powerful mind-changer, this thing called ‘emotion’.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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