Sunday, July 11, 2010

Five Things I tell singles who asks “Am I ready for a relationship?” | God and you

This question has been the conversation in the minds of a lot of single people out there – whether young or old alike. And it indeed is a valid question as I and a lot of other leaders and pastors have been asked the same one in different variations over and over again.

A lot of questions without a knock-down answer

A lot of questions without a knock-down answer

This entry has been inspired by a conversation between me and my mentor and friend pastor Joby Soriano while we were going home after he spoke in B1G Night. It’s been a long while since I’ve blogged about relationships.

“What’s the sign that I can enter a relationship?”

“How can I tell if I’m ready?”

“Am I  going to pursue her?”

“Is it time for me to entertain suitors?”

Has this question or something quite like it ever crossed your mind? I know it crossed mine. At some point in time we find ourselves longing for a mutual relationship with the opposite sex. It is natural. It is God-designed. It is how we are supposed to be.But it ain’t so wise to just indulge yourself in a relationship without counting the costs.

When you build a house, count the cost.

Click here to read the full article

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