Sunday, July 4, 2010

How do you know when something in a gray area is a sin? | God and you

There are a lot of questions that surround gray areas in real life and the Bible. This is especially true in the topic of sin. There are times when the Bible does not clearly or solidly state if something is indeed a sin or not. And during those times, often people are left confused without an answer.

There are Gray areas if you don't know the right question

There are Gray areas if you don't know the right question

This entry is inspired by the message of Ravi Zacharias in his podcast “What is worthwhile under the sun”

When we think the Bible has left us grasping for straws

There are times when there are no water tight explanation on why something is a sin or not – at least not directly. And during those times we find it hard to find solid answers elsewhere. People might tell us “It depends” or “What’s your conviction?” and so on…

Click here to read the full article

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