Thursday, July 8, 2010

SEO Talents and How to Identify Yours

The first SEO Hacker TEAM PIC

We have to know our SEO Talents

There are different kinds of SEO’s out there with different kinds of methods and specializations. In my opinion, there is not one SEO practitioner who has the exact same methods they use with other SEO practitioners.


Well because we all have different talents and skills – and that’s what we use to grab links. Take me for example – if you still haven’t noticed, my forte is SEO copywriting and delivering quality and informative content through articles that I produce in this website. Now, not all people are good writers and some SEO practitioners out there are doing great in their practice of SEO with their own sets of talents.

So without further ado, here are the list of SEO Talents I’ve gathered so far:

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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