Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Citipointe Live Manila | God and you

This coming September 11 (Saturday), 2010 Citipointe Live is coming back to Manila for their latest My Soul worship concert!

SAVED CL posterIf you don’t already know, I love singing. I sing a lot – in the bathroom especially. Go ask my family, they’ll tell you. I also sing in church. I love to worship my God through my voice. And so I’m inviting you guys to share this privilege of singing to our God through this Citipoint Live worship concert.

My good friend Najee Chua invited me to help promote this concert to my circle of friends, readers and colleagues and so I’m inviting all of you guys to please join us as we worship our God in this event which will be held in Philsports Arena (formerly Ultra). I’m excited to see all of you there!

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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