Being an SEO specialist, I realized that SEO is not about being the best programmer in order to understand Google’s system. It’s about ranking in Google’s Search engine results page because you are relevant and you want to market out something through being a presence in the first page.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Why the best SEO specialists are marketers — SEO Hacker
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Why you easily fall in love after a breakup | God and you
Isn’t it a wonder how easily you fall for someone after you’ve just gotten out of a romantic relationship? Have you ever felt like needing someone for you to love and care about and likewise who loves and cares about you right after a breakup or, as the famous Lady Gaga puts it, after a “Bad Romance?”
I'm sure you've been through one
This entry has been inspired by events that has transpired in my life that impacted me emotionally as well as intellectually.
I’ve never had a girlfriend before
But if you’ve been following my entries lately, you know that I’ve involved myself in a romantic relationship. And in the middle of it all, God told me that it’s just not for me – at least not yet.
And so throughout the time in between that event and today, I’ve been under a flurry of emotional barrage that has consistently tried to penetrate the way I think. In some cases, it got through, and in some, I pondered it carefully. It’s such a powerful mind-changer, this thing called ‘emotion’.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Help: I wanted to commit suicide | God and you
Woke up this morning quite late for work. Was still groggy and dizzy when I got out of bed. Had to work late last night. I popped up my laptop and checked my emails hoping for Seth Godin’s reply to my inquiry for my new website prolinchpin.
To my surprise I got an email from a woman in India (I have her permission to repost this by the way) For her security and anonymity, I changed her name to Valerie.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Linchpin? Your Choice — Pro Linchpin
It’s not everyday that you have an opportunity to change the world. But when we were younger and we had our own worlds to dwell in, didn’t we change it every so often?
There have surely been a certain point in your life where you’ve turned the tide and did something remarkable.
There have been certain points in your life where you were a genius.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Citipointe Live Manila | God and you
This coming September 11 (Saturday), 2010 Citipointe Live is coming back to Manila for their latest My Soul worship concert!
If you don’t already know, I love singing. I sing a lot – in the bathroom especially. Go ask my family, they’ll tell you. I also sing in church. I love to worship my God through my voice. And so I’m inviting you guys to share this privilege of singing to our God through this Citipoint Live worship concert.
My good friend Najee Chua invited me to help promote this concert to my circle of friends, readers and colleagues and so I’m inviting all of you guys to please join us as we worship our God in this event which will be held in Philsports Arena (formerly Ultra). I’m excited to see all of you there!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
5 Reasons Why People bite on Linkbaits — SEO Hacker
I’m sure as an advanced SEO practitioner, you’ve already heard of the term “LinkBait” one way or another. There are practically millions of ways to build links as an SEO practitioner. Linkbaiting is just one of them. My favorite one.
If you’ve been practicing SEO for quite some time, you’d know that linkbuilding is probably the hardest, pain in the ass work that you need to do. And you’re right. In fact, it is so much a pain in the ass that so many SEO practitioners are left confused as to what linkbuilding method is still effective.
If you ask me, the most effective method would be linkbaiting. Why?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Why I don’t like Bella in Eclipse | God and you
Okay, first-off, I really don’t like to watch the movie in the first place but then since I’m barely home with my family, I figured I should spend time with them – and tonight, it was my little sister’s choice of a movie. As the movie moved on, I realized how much I dislike.
I'm just so disappointed with Bella Swans today
This is a personal blog entry with very personal opinions. Please do pardon me if I would, in any way, offend any reader browsing through this entry.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Five Things I tell singles who asks “Am I ready for a relationship?” | God and you
This question has been the conversation in the minds of a lot of single people out there – whether young or old alike. And it indeed is a valid question as I and a lot of other leaders and pastors have been asked the same one in different variations over and over again.
A lot of questions without a knock-down answer
This entry has been inspired by a conversation between me and my mentor and friend pastor Joby Soriano while we were going home after he spoke in B1G Night. It’s been a long while since I’ve blogged about relationships.
“What’s the sign that I can enter a relationship?”
“How can I tell if I’m ready?”
“Am I going to pursue her?”
“Is it time for me to entertain suitors?”
Has this question or something quite like it ever crossed your mind? I know it crossed mine. At some point in time we find ourselves longing for a mutual relationship with the opposite sex. It is natural. It is God-designed. It is how we are supposed to be.But it ain’t so wise to just indulge yourself in a relationship without counting the costs.
When you build a house, count the cost.
Click here to read the full article
Thursday, July 8, 2010
SEO Talents and How to Identify Yours
There are different kinds of SEO’s out there with different kinds of methods and specializations. In my opinion, there is not one SEO practitioner who has the exact same methods they use with other SEO practitioners.
Well because we all have different talents and skills – and that’s what we use to grab links. Take me for example – if you still haven’t noticed, my forte is SEO copywriting and delivering quality and informative content through articles that I produce in this website. Now, not all people are good writers and some SEO practitioners out there are doing great in their practice of SEO with their own sets of talents.
So without further ado, here are the list of SEO Talents I’ve gathered so far:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
How do you know when something in a gray area is a sin? | God and you
There are a lot of questions that surround gray areas in real life and the Bible. This is especially true in the topic of sin. There are times when the Bible does not clearly or solidly state if something is indeed a sin or not. And during those times, often people are left confused without an answer.
There are Gray areas if you don't know the right question
This entry is inspired by the message of Ravi Zacharias in his podcast “What is worthwhile under the sun”
When we think the Bible has left us grasping for straws
There are times when there are no water tight explanation on why something is a sin or not – at least not directly. And during those times we find it hard to find solid answers elsewhere. People might tell us “It depends” or “What’s your conviction?” and so on…
Google goes head-to-head with Facebook: Google’s plan to build a social network
I’m sure we’ve all used Facebook and Google in our lifetime. These two internet giants (Google being number 1 and Facebook threatening the search giant closely at number 2) were born in my lifetime and now they’re already dominating the online world. And Google won’t put up with Facebook’s rise to power any longer.
Just recently, Pete Cashmore of Mashable wrote an article about Google hatching a plan to put up a social networking site to rival Facebook’s seeming monopoly of the social networking industry.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Want to learn the basics of SEO? Enroll in our Free Basic SEO course!
Everything starts with the basics. When you were a kid, you started with ABC’s for english and 123’s for Math. Do you think ABC and 123 is important? The no-brainer, common-sense answer would obviously be YES! Now we’re giving you all the basics of SEO… For FREE!