Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why Submission is a Blessing

In my devotion today, God spoke to me about submission. Today, men and women alike do notSubmission to Authority see the logic and significance behind authorities placed above us. We are most likely to grumble and complain especially when the weaknesses and negative attitudes of the one in authority are evident to us and to others. We wonder, “Why, of all people was I assigned here?”, “Why is my mom this way?” Or “It’s okay not to pay the right taxes, the government is corrupt anyway.”

In Romans 13 verse 1, God said“1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

You might say, “But my dad is really unreasonable. You wouldn’t even dare think of that verse when you meet him.” I may agree with you and so would the whole neighborhood, but God placed you there, didn’t He? Do you believe it in your heart, that He is God? Have you considered that He has a purpose for you there? Has it occurred to you that this may be Him answering your prayers when you prayed, “Please make me more patient?”

You just may perhaps be the only reflection of the living Christ in your family. office mates, friends or classmates lives.

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