Monday, January 30, 2012

Loving beyond your Heart

Lately I’ve been going through a lot in my personal walk with the Lord as well as in my family and love life. Relationships are a part of life. And sooner or later, you will fall in love. When that happens, I just want you to remember this entry – that you need to love beyond your heart.

Holding heartThis entry has been inspired by the numerous conflicts I have experienced in my life and my learnings and realizations from them. I wanted to share this with all of you because I believe it is important and that you need to hear this.

Being a man, God has assigned me the honor of being the leader in my relationship with my girl. He has designated me to bring her through the journey of spiritual intimacy, physical wellness, emotional wisdom, financial intelligence, and intellectual wisdom. This is not an easy task.

In fact it is a task that can only be possible through the grace of God. Without the grace of God, I fell into the trap of trying to do this on my own. I tried to love and lead her with my heart. And I soon found out how disastrous it could be.

You see, the heart can hurt. And when the heart gets hurt, the usual, natural tendency is:

  • Guys withdraw and wait things out until… (etc…)
  • Girls say things they think will soothe their anxiety and work the conflict out

Unfortunately, I’m the kind of guy who withdraws. I realized that I am not honoring God when I do so because I am not leading her when I withdraw.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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