Wednesday, January 4, 2012

3 Overlooked Problems in Relationships Today

“When you’re 15, somebody tells you they love you, you’re gonna believe them.” This is how Taylor Swift put it in her own words. It’s so easy to get into a relationship today. People want to fall in love – to give love and to be loved. Because there is something to give and it feels great to receive. All the while, we leave 3 very important aspects of getting into a relationship unchecked.

Broken heartThis entry has been inspired by the book “Boy meets Girl”By Joshua Harris.

Jump-start my Heart

Lots and lots of relationships today start out quick. And usually they are plagued with impatience, lack of purpose and misguided emotions. As long as you find him handsome, he finds you pretty, and you say you love each other – that’s enough reason to get together. The world and society today definitely advocates these kinds of relationships.


Most young relationships are formed with impatience. People are anxious to be in a relationship for various reasons. You might feel left out, or you’re getting older, or no one better might come along, etc… It’s not wrong to desire to be in a relationship – but what is your motive? Is it the confidence that you’re ready for marriage and that God has brought someone godly into your life for you? Is it because you want what’s best for that person in terms of God’s Word and you can give it?

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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