Friday, January 20, 2012

Common Mistakes of Men in a Relationship

Men were designed to lead. Created by God to be the first human being to work and prepare and lead before he meets his bride.Why then do we see men left and right failing to lead their marriage? Failing to lead their girl?

FailureThis entry was inspired by my discipler Aumar Aguilar. To you I give my thanks in helping me see the truth about leading in a relationship.

Loving a woman too much

When a man loves a woman too much, he sometimes take leading for granted. He adopts to his girl instead of leading her. They join the girl in her level instead of him stepping up. This is a major and common problem in relationships. Don’t get em wrong, loving your girl is a wonderful thing – but putting it above the place of God is a sin. Loving someone too much is idolatry.

Men have the tendency to step back and let others lead. Men have the tendency to be complacent. And when this happens, then women’s tendency to take lead kicks in. This is why we see relationships here and there where the men are silent and the women are the ones making the decisions.

There is something wrong.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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