Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Online Reputation Management


A business’ reputation is arguably its most valuable asset. Marketing is all about brand building. We invest in our brand because we believe it is what will make the business grow and flourish. Once that brand gets a bad reputation, everything about the business gets dramatically affected. Online Reputation Management is all about protecting your brand or cleaning it if things get dirty.

The internet is an area of free ideas, facts, opinions and voice. It is a place where you can directly or indirectly find almost anything and everything you’re looking for. It is also a place mostly beyond your control. And often times, there will be people you don’t agree with – and people who don’t agree with you. When this happens, the internet can be a very messy place.

Disgruntled customers today mostly vent out their anger and frustration in the web – where  they can freely do so and have an audience to boot. For companies, it might be unfair that these occurrences take place – but often times the ‘unfair incident’ happened to the customer first, and the web is their place of justice.

So just how do you make sure that these rants don’t go into the first page of the search engines? How do you prevent unwanted, devastating comments and feedback from popping up in the top results of the Search Engine Results Page?

I’ve compiled an Online Reputation Management Tutorial / Guide for you so that you can do your part in helping your company / other companies protect or fix their reputation on the web.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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