Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Relationship Link Building

Building Relationships

This is arguably the most powerful linkbuilding technique there is. Having great relationships around you to availably help you out in your linkbuilding efforts is a priceless arsenal to behold for any linkbuilder. The idea is simple.

This entry is part of the SEO Hacker School series: Linkbuilding Techniques

Give and Take

All relationships start with something – usually a conversation. As a linkbuilder myself, I always make it a point to communicate with the thought leaders in my niche – usually just for the heck of it. Talking with a friend doesn’t have to have any motive behind it. And that builds the relationship between both parties.

In the internet, communication can be in a form of various methods. It can be through a Tweet, a blog comment, an email, even a Facebook Page wall post! Believe me, a Tweet can go a long way. Jason Acidre and I started a linking partnership together through just a Tweet – and we got to know each other from there on.

Ana Hoffman, on the other hand, contacted me through email to invite me to guest post in her blog (which I did – about the importance of URL Slugs). This started a series of linking to and fro between us for the different blog entries that we have. It also started a mutual sharing relationship between us with our latest entries.

Kristi Hines has always been a very generous linker. A simple email to her asking about her opinion on using Google+ over Facebook sparked a great linking relationship between us. She has published numerous extremely helpful posts out in the web. She’s everywhere! And I’m ultimately privileged to be mentioned (and linked to) in her Friday roundups.

These are just samples of relationships that I’ve built over the course of my work in SEO Hacker.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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