Thursday, April 14, 2011

Worth the Fork | God and you

“Keep you fork. The best is yet to come.” I’ve heard it a couple of times during messages to illustrate hopeful anticipation for what God has in store – as a chef tells his patron to wait for the dessert, which most people often refer to as the best part of the whole dining experience.

ForkAuthor’s note: This was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend over lunch a couple of weeks ago.

Our Christian walk doesn’t necessarily make us immune to feelings of discouragement. Surely, there are situations that will throw us off and can potentially lead us to be sidetracked from following Christ. When things get tough and seemingly unbearable, that is when we are most likely to falter. We tend to believe the lie that we are not worth anything, even if we know that it is what it is – a lie.

Yes, we’re not immune to these things. We are, after all, still living in this world, along with its ways.

But though we are not immune, Christ’s love for us protects us from sinking and yielding from such discouragements, depression and feelings of self-pity.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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