Monday, April 4, 2011

Roadmaps, Guides, and God's Will | God and you

Author’s Note: This is based on a devotion I shared over the weekend. Somehow, I was convicted to write it down to clear the points I’ve mentioned in the message and support them with scripture. For those who’ve heard the devotion, I hope this article would convey the points I wanted to bring across more clearly.

RoadmapMore often than not, when we travel to an unfamiliar place – whether it’s a new summer haven or a developing tourist spot, one of the first things we ask is directions on how to get there. We’d search for a roadmap and study it, so that when we decide to go, we wouldn’t be lost.

Somehow, we behave the same way when it comes to God’s Will. When God casts His vision, we would want to ask Him for full details. But God often reveals them step by step.

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve encountered two stories in the bible that fascinated me. One is in Mark 8:22-26 where Jesus performed a two-staged miracle in healing a blind man from Bethsaida. The other is from 2 Kings 2:1-11 where Elijah was taken up to heaven. I had the same question on both stories – why did God made the blind man and Elijah go through “checkpoints”? Why did He reveal His Will step by step? What was God’s point in doing so?

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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