Saturday, April 2, 2011

Google Plus One Social Button | SEO in Simple Terms

Google Plus OneOkay, I know that I’ve blogged about Google planning to build a social network to rival Facebook before – but I’ve never expected it to be like this. It’s not really a social network. It’s more of a social button just as how Facebook’s ‘Like’ button works. It’s called Google Plus One (+1)

Same Banana?

I think that Google got the idea of data gathering and social integration from Facebook’s ‘Like’ button, though they didn’t apply it as a social network in Orkut, rather, they applied it in an area where they are a dominant player – Search.

I honestly think that this is a big leap for the search giant. The implications of the +1 button could be big – as big as how the ‘Like’ button of Facebook is now. Facebook’s button is in almost every website to date. If Google could do that too with the +1 button (I’m not sure how since it only appears in the SERPs thus far) the data they could harvest could greatly impact the effectiveness of their AdWords – and perhaps they can start something else…

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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