Sunday, April 17, 2011

Important Facts about Flat Fin Radiators

When it comes to cooling down your engine, the radiator is of great importance. This is especially true during these hot summer months. Here are some of the interesting tidbits I’ve discovered about flat fin radiators:

  1. Flat fin radiator cores have 3 types of materials – Brass, Copper, and Steel fin. These can also come in a non-louvered or louvered fin construction by which these are specifically designed in ensuring a maximum airflow. These types can also be structured with both high-flow and low-flow tubing.
  2. Having been produced in copper or brass, flat fin radiators are well-resistant to salty and acid conditions.
  3. Different types of flat fin radiators come in different sizes - the Copper is usually 2 row up to 8 tube rows with a core thickness of 37 to 150 mm and its fin pitch is also 2.2 mm, 2.5 mm, and 3 mm. As for the Steel, it is normally 3 row up to 8 rows with a core thickness of 57 to 150 mm and its fin pitch are also 2.2 mm, 2.5 mm, and 3mm (just the same as the Copper’s).
  4. The core of a flat fin radiator looks like this:

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