Monday, May 3, 2010

Who's my vote for this coming May 10, 2010 Philippine presidency elections

May 10 is drawing nearer and nearer. It is the day to elect someone who will rule over our country for 6 years. Those 6 years are vital – it is a chance to turn around our country. A lot of things can happen in 6 years in the hands of a wise and discerning leader. A lot of people are asking “who am I going to vote?”

Disclaimer: This is a personal blog entry. I am convicted that this has to be told to the rest of our countrymen who are going to cast their votes to appoint our ruler for the next 6 years

It’s not yet too late for us to decide who we are going to appoint as ruler over our country and land. There are so many candidates out there who claim that they can stop poverty, abolish corruption, defend the rights of the oppressed, provide justice and whatnot. A man can only bring so many promises. This is my chance to tell the world who I’m voting.

Vote Dick Gordon for PresidentWhy Gordon you ask? It’s because of his solid platform, his integrity (we couldn’t find anything negative about him when we Google’d it) his ability to lead, and his proof of change with what he did to the city of Olongapo.

I believe that this man has the ability to lead our country to a better future. I will pray for him whether he wins or not – to be a man who will burn with the desire to change our nation whether as president or as a mere citizen when, as God will have it, he does not win this election for presidency.

Posted via web from h3sean's posterous

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