Saturday, May 22, 2010

my boyfriend and i sleep together but we don't engage in sex, is it immorality? sometimes we play around and touch each other, and when it gets hot, we just hug and kiss it away. is it sexual immorality? help.


It is not sexual immorality because the act of sex does not happen. But then you're playing with fire. Don't wait until you get burned.

It's a very fine line you're walking, if you keep on going then you just might slip. I really urge you to be wise and don't sleep together even if you tell me as far as today is concerned you just hug and kiss away.

I'm quite sure that lustful thoughts are already present in that state.

"Flee from sexual immorality" - fleeing from sexual immorality means that you get as far away from it, not when you're already doing the act but even before (when things are just getting there) in your case, sleeping together. I hope you think about this advice and pray that you would consider following it. It's straight from God's Word.

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