Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Live your life then die | God and you

Life as we all know it can be summarized into easy stages. You’re born, you study for 20 years of your life, you work another 10, 20 or 30 years and marry and settle down then retire – then die. Isn’t this what it all boils down to? So in all these stages, what, can you say, is the purpose of life?

Every human being fears death

Every human being fears death

Living your life is no easy task

Living life is not something to be taken lightly. And we all know it. Each and every human being fears death, pain, sickness, and everything else related to the depreciation of life. “Life is a gift” is what we say. And it is our most precious possession. Like any other gift and possession, we have to figure out what it’s purpose is and what we ought to do with it.

Click here to read the full article

Posted via web from h3sean's posterous

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