Monday, May 10, 2010

When the unexplainable meets the undeniable | God and you

This is a summary of Andy Stanley’s message “Unexplainable vs. Undeniable”

Andy Stanley

Andy Stanley

I can’t explain God. But I serve a God that is greater than what I can fit in my little bitty box … or your box … or our boxes combined! But, I do know what’s undeniable: Do you know what’s undeniable?

1. We’re here! Undeniable is that you and I are alive today and the only thing that we humans can come up with to explain it besides “Creationism” is that something came from nothing. That’s the explanation! But, undeniable = we are here and alive! Take God out of the picture and all we have is, once there was nothing and now there is something and it evolved into intelligent human beings…

Click here to read the full article

Posted via web from h3sean's posterous

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