Life as we all know it can be summarized into easy stages. You’re born, you study for 20 years of your life, you work another 10, 20 or 30 years and marry and settle down then retire – then die. Isn’t this what it all boils down to? So in all these stages, what, can you say, is the purpose of life?
Every human being fears death
Living your life is no easy task
Living life is not something to be taken lightly. And we all know it. Each and every human being fears death, pain, sickness, and everything else related to the depreciation of life. “Life is a gift” is what we say. And it is our most precious possession. Like any other gift and possession, we have to figure out what it’s purpose is and what we ought to do with it.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Live your life then die | God and you
Monday, May 24, 2010
what are the things i must learn to be a SEO specialist?? thank you sir.. i am a college student of RTU...
Well you have to learn to read a lot. Research in the internet is essential. You also have to learn how to write, good, quality and seo-copywritten articles. There are tons and tons of things you have to learn. I cannot explain them all here.
If you need something to research about, read about this: Linkbuilding
how do you know if a guy is taking you seriously?
Haha this is a pretty hard question...
I would say that a guy is taking you seriously if he takes God seriously. That way, you know that he fears God and will not play around with you.
Also I would say that a guy is taking you seriously if he has saved a lot of himself for you. =) e-mail me about this at if you want me to give you further tips
How do you choose your topics at the blogs you write? Is it just by something that pops in your head?
Sometimes they come from life experiences
Sometimes they come from a mentor
Sometimes they come from a friend
Sometimes they come from my quiet time
There are is no knock-down way to think of a topic. There are several multitude of ways and you just have to live life the way it is in order to write your best
Saturday, May 22, 2010
my boyfriend and i sleep together but we don't engage in sex, is it immorality? sometimes we play around and touch each other, and when it gets hot, we just hug and kiss it away. is it sexual immorality? help.
It is not sexual immorality because the act of sex does not happen. But then you're playing with fire. Don't wait until you get burned.
It's a very fine line you're walking, if you keep on going then you just might slip. I really urge you to be wise and don't sleep together even if you tell me as far as today is concerned you just hug and kiss away.
I'm quite sure that lustful thoughts are already present in that state.
"Flee from sexual immorality" - fleeing from sexual immorality means that you get as far away from it, not when you're already doing the act but even before (when things are just getting there) in your case, sleeping together. I hope you think about this advice and pray that you would consider following it. It's straight from God's Word.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Closed doors and relationships | God and you
People are relational beings. We have friends here and there, we have family members and relatives in a lot of places. We have our best friend, our close friend, our tight friend – you name it. We even have pets with whom we believe we have a relationship with. Some relationships can last long – yes it can last a lifetime. Still some relationships end up closing doors.
This entry has been inspired by a very good friend of mine with whom I have gained wisdom with and have grown together in Christ with – to you I dedicate this entry.
Closed doors will be closed doors but God is God
This post is also inspired by my relationship with a very special person with whom I have learned with and gained wisdom in Christ with.
Oftentimes we are faced with major decisions we have to make with the relationships we have in our lives. A really close and tightly woven relationship can make things ultimately joyful or dreadfully devastating for us. Relationships in our lives make out a big part of us. And those relationships always come to a point wherein you have to make a choice.
When push comes to shove and a really close relationship starts to falter and break
There will come a point in time where the tides of our humanity will push us to misunderstandings, emotional instability, arguments and disagreements and what have you. We all make mistakes and sooner or later we will disappoint. Even the closest woven relationships are not exempt from this – all relationships must go through hard times.
And then it all boils down to a choice. “Will I choose the relationship over what has happened?”, “Will I overlook the offense?”, “Will I step back and let it cool off?”, “Will I choose to end the relationship and close the door?”
Monday, May 10, 2010
When the unexplainable meets the undeniable | God and you
This is a summary of Andy Stanley’s message “Unexplainable vs. Undeniable”
Andy Stanley
I can’t explain God. But I serve a God that is greater than what I can fit in my little bitty box … or your box … or our boxes combined! But, I do know what’s undeniable: Do you know what’s undeniable?
1. We’re here! Undeniable is that you and I are alive today and the only thing that we humans can come up with to explain it besides “Creationism” is that something came from nothing. That’s the explanation! But, undeniable = we are here and alive! Take God out of the picture and all we have is, once there was nothing and now there is something and it evolved into intelligent human beings…
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Traits of Wisdom. The wisdom list | God and you
The Wisdom List
There are so many different traits of wisdom. Some people have it while some don’t. It’s something that we learn and practice. Some of them becomes a habit while some of them has to be a discipline. I just wanted to make a wisdom list which I will expound on my latter posts.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
How Meta Tags should be used for SEO
In my previous post ‘What search engine crawlers do with your Meta tags’, I talked about it’s depreciating usage. It’s not as powerful and useful as it once was. Some say that it’s still handy and some say otherwise. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how SEO experts nowadays use Meta tags for their websites.
Meta tags are words in your code which users will not be able to see. It’s effect on SEO has become less and less over the years due to the abuse of webmasters in stuffing keywords inside the meta tags. It used to affect rankings, now it doesn’t. It used to be a factor in the retrieval of the indexed site, now only 2 search engines are left practicing that. But SEO experts, according to Danny Sullivan still do use it for things we might not have been able to think of. So how does SEO experts use Meta tags?
SEO Experts use Meta tags for Misspellings
Since we already know that Yahoo and Ask uses Meta tags to at least retrieve or recall indexed information, you would want to use your meta tags to target people who might misspell your keywords with their search engine query. Putting misspelled keywords in your site’s visible content would be embarrassing and would look quite unprofessional. Here’s your chance to get those misspellers into your website – put the misspelled keywords in your meta tags.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Why we don't expect much from teens | God and you
The world has had the mindset of teenagers being irresponsible, happy-go-lucky, rebellious and what have you. It has branded teens as people who have no particular vision, who’s goal is to have fun and to have it now, who’s curiosity must be satisfied, and the list goes on and on… And when you think about it, we don’t expect much from teens don’t we?
We don't expect much from teenagers
This entry has been inspired by the book “Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations” By Alex and Brett Harris
Did you know the word “Teenager” did not exist before late 1940’s?
You heard it right. This word was never coined before the 20th century. It’s mind-boggling how, in such a short time, the world has radically changed on how it looks at men and women between the age of 13 to 20 or more. How teenagers were before the word was created was totally different. They were responsible, they acted as young men and women with visions in life and with responsibilities to bear. Men and women between the age of 13 to 20 before our time were a totally different bunch. So what made the difference? What’s the defining factor why we are so unalike?
The reason why we don’t expect much from teens is…
We don’t expect much from teens – yes you’ve read it right. It’s exactly that. We don’t give them reason to be responsible. We don’t give them reason to renew their mindsets about life. We don’t expect them to become responsible men and women UNTIL they are at the “RIGHT AGE”. And when exactly is that? Sometimes we think it’s when they’re 18 or when they’re 20 or more. But by the time they get there, they’ve built a 7-10 year habit around themselves. A habit that keeps them from expecting anything from themselves – just like how the world blatantly dictates they should be.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Who's my vote for this coming May 10, 2010 Philippine presidency elections
May 10 is drawing nearer and nearer. It is the day to elect someone who will rule over our country for 6 years. Those 6 years are vital – it is a chance to turn around our country. A lot of things can happen in 6 years in the hands of a wise and discerning leader. A lot of people are asking “who am I going to vote?”
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog entry. I am convicted that this has to be told to the rest of our countrymen who are going to cast their votes to appoint our ruler for the next 6 years
It’s not yet too late for us to decide who we are going to appoint as ruler over our country and land. There are so many candidates out there who claim that they can stop poverty, abolish corruption, defend the rights of the oppressed, provide justice and whatnot. A man can only bring so many promises. This is my chance to tell the world who I’m voting.
Why Gordon you ask? It’s because of his solid platform, his integrity (we couldn’t find anything negative about him when we Google’d it) his ability to lead, and his proof of change with what he did to the city of Olongapo.
I believe that this man has the ability to lead our country to a better future. I will pray for him whether he wins or not – to be a man who will burn with the desire to change our nation whether as president or as a mere citizen when, as God will have it, he does not win this election for presidency.
Who's my vote for this coming May 10, 2010 Philippine presidency elections
May 10 is drawing nearer and nearer. It is the day to elect someone who will rule over our country for 6 years. Those 6 years are vital – it is a chance to turn around our country. A lot of things can happen in 6 years in the hands of a wise and discerning leader. A lot of people are asking “who am I going to vote?”
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog entry. I am convicted that this has to be told to the rest of our countrymen who are going to cast their votes to appoint our ruler for the next 6 years
It’s not yet too late for us to decide who we are going to appoint as ruler over our country and land. There are so many candidates out there who claim that they can stop poverty, abolish corruption, defend the rights of the oppressed, provide justice and whatnot. A man can only bring so many promises. This is my chance to tell the world who I’m voting.
Why Gordon you ask? It’s because of his solid platform, his integrity (we couldn’t find anything negative about him when we Google’d it) his ability to lead, and his proof of change with what he did to the city of Olongapo.
I believe that this man has the ability to lead our country to a better future. I will pray for him whether he wins or not – to be a man who will burn with the desire to change our nation whether as president or as a mere citizen when, as God will have it, he does not win this election for presidency.