Sunday, April 18, 2010

Top 3 reasons why we find it so hard to read the Bible | God and you

Time and time again we find ourselves stuck into our beds and comfy chairs and it seems like our hands are too heavy to open that thick, dusty book lying on the topmost row of the bookshelf. There are a lot of reasons why we find it so hard to read the Bible or even to just open it up. But for now, I just want to talk about the top three.

These are the top three reasons

These are the top three reasons

This entry has been inspired by the message I gave my small group when I asked them about their quiet time.

1. Laziness

Who would have thought, right? It’s a no-brainer. Laziness is the top reason why people find it so hard to have their time with God, reading His word. Sometimes we just don’t feel like it. We’re just not in the mood – in other words, we’re lazy. Uh-huh, yeah. That’s the word for it – LAZY.

Click here to read the full article

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