Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do not get cheap with your SEO

Don't get cheap with your SEO

There is this notion that SEOs are to be cheap. Well here’s a newsflash for you, NOT ALL SEOs ARE CREATED EQUAL. Most of us are self-taught because there is no direct SEO course that is taught to this day.

If you are looking for the cheapest SEO possible, then I won’t be surprised when your website is banlisted, blacklisted and gunned down by search engines. And if you were working with a reputable, more expensive SEO but dropped them for the cheaper one to save some cash, then you probably deserve what happened to you. The bottom line is: SEO doesn’t come cheap. There are lots of Snake oil salesmen out there who use the name of ‘SEO’ to stash some cash out of your lifeblood.

Click here to read the full article

Posted via web from h3sean's posterous

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