Monday, April 12, 2010

Holy procrastination. Delayed obedience is disobedience. | God and you

Ever heard the phrase, ‘delayed obedience is disobedience’? I’m sure we all have – most especially when we were little kids. Holy procrastination (as I’d like to call it) is a habit that sticks to us even when we’re all grown up.

Holy Procrastination

Holy Procrastination

Obedience is immediate but understanding can follow

Isn’t it that sometimes we do not understand why we have to do things but we just do it anyway because our parents or a loved one asks us to? Obedience requires immediate action – an immediate choice to follow the command given. It is something that we cannot delay – unless you negotiate it with the one giving the command or request.

Click here to read the whole article

Posted via web from h3sean's posterous

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