Friday, April 2, 2010

Does worrying about someone mean you care? | God and you

We often worry about someone – most probably the people we love and who are dear to us. It’s quite a common thing to get worried when you’re not with that person or when you’ve no idea where that someone is, what that someone is doing, etc. Does worrying about that particular someone mean that you care?

This is the fifth entry on my series about Worry.

My previous entries:

Top 5 reasons why you should not worry

Worry is a murderer

Worry Versus Concern

The roots and causes of Worry

This entry has been strongly inspired by Harold J. Sala’s book: “Making Your Emotions Work for You

Worry and care are two different things

Worry and care are two different things

Yes, things can go wrong

I’m sure at some point in your life, you’ve experienced worrying about a person, right? It’s not an unusual thing to do to think about what’ might happen to that certain someone when you’re not around. Things can go awry - as ‘Murphy’s law’ endorses it. And there are times that we find ourselves thinking about all the bad things that can go wrong for the person we care about.

Click here to read more about 'Does worrying about someone mean you care?'

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