Hey Joash!
It's 09228131116 =)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Do not get cheap with your SEO
There is this notion that SEOs are to be cheap. Well here’s a newsflash for you, NOT ALL SEOs ARE CREATED EQUAL. Most of us are self-taught because there is no direct SEO course that is taught to this day.
If you are looking for the cheapest SEO possible, then I won’t be surprised when your website is banlisted, blacklisted and gunned down by search engines. And if you were working with a reputable, more expensive SEO but dropped them for the cheaper one to save some cash, then you probably deserve what happened to you. The bottom line is: SEO doesn’t come cheap. There are lots of Snake oil salesmen out there who use the name of ‘SEO’ to stash some cash out of your lifeblood.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Competing with Porn | God and you
Pornography will compete with your future spouse
Pornography is like water – it’s everywhere. These days it is extremely rampant. With just a click, you get instant, free access. But that doesn’t mean you have to drink it. There is someone in your life that will have to compete for your purity when you indulge yourself in pornography.
Soft porn, hard porn, whatever – it’s all the same. Pornography is pornography. When you watch or read pornography, you’re looking at a human being and you are lusting after that person. And the Bible is very serious about lust.
Click here to read the full article
Monday, April 19, 2010
Google, Yahoo or Bing. Pick your poison
Have you ever tried searching with any of these three? I’m sure you have. These are the most renown search engines around. Which gives the most relevant results?
Right now search engines compete to make themselves better in terms of their results and different functionalities. The more relevant results, the better.
I would think that right now Google still holds the most searches in the world. Why? Well, they’ve never stopped innovating and they’ve never stopped improving their search engine algorithm. They keep on changing it – adapting to the trends of the internet and to the trends of SEO pracitioners (especially the black hat ones).
Click here to read the full article
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Top 3 reasons why we find it so hard to read the Bible | God and you
Time and time again we find ourselves stuck into our beds and comfy chairs and it seems like our hands are too heavy to open that thick, dusty book lying on the topmost row of the bookshelf. There are a lot of reasons why we find it so hard to read the Bible or even to just open it up. But for now, I just want to talk about the top three.
These are the top three reasons
This entry has been inspired by the message I gave my small group when I asked them about their quiet time.
1. Laziness
Who would have thought, right? It’s a no-brainer. Laziness is the top reason why people find it so hard to have their time with God, reading His word. Sometimes we just don’t feel like it. We’re just not in the mood – in other words, we’re lazy. Uh-huh, yeah. That’s the word for it – LAZY.
Click here to read the full article
Did you create your own blog or do you use a site like blogspot.com?
mt http://h3sean.com is created using the wordpress platform. =)
Friday, April 16, 2010
So what if I have sex? Sexual immorality and sin | God and you
Many young people today are given the thought that it’s okay to have sex, it’s uncool to be a virgin, it’s macho to be sexually active, it’s sexy to have a lot of sexual partners, etc. The internet promotes it like crazy, TV broadcasts it almost directly, movies and media markets the idea. Basically the whole world is promoting pre-marital sex and adultery. So what if I have sex?
The world is asking: So what if I have sex?
This might be one of my hardest hitting entries. This is also arguably the simplest entry I’ll be giving about sex and purity. Because, let’s face it – it’s a black and white argument.
Sex is extremely rampant these days. It is popularized and glorified to the point that it has revealed itself all-out in different forms – literature, media, advertisement, marketing, the internet, and the list goes on. Kids at a very tender and young age are exposed to the very idea that sex is great and it is even better when done without the boundaries that God has set for it.
Click here to read the full article
SEO Hacker - SEO tips, tricks and more | God and you
SEO Hacker is now up!
SEO-hacker is the website that gives you tons of information about SEO, SEO tips and tricks, white hat, black hat methods, and everything else about SEO, Search engine marketing and Google.
If you’re a blogger and you’re interested in optimizing the search engine visibility of your website then this is the place for you.
Click here to read the full article
Monday, April 12, 2010
Holy procrastination. Delayed obedience is disobedience. | God and you
Ever heard the phrase, ‘delayed obedience is disobedience’? I’m sure we all have – most especially when we were little kids. Holy procrastination (as I’d like to call it) is a habit that sticks to us even when we’re all grown up.
Holy Procrastination
Obedience is immediate but understanding can follow
Isn’t it that sometimes we do not understand why we have to do things but we just do it anyway because our parents or a loved one asks us to? Obedience requires immediate action – an immediate choice to follow the command given. It is something that we cannot delay – unless you negotiate it with the one giving the command or request.
Click here to read the whole article
Don't you just love yourself? | God and you
It was about 12 midnight and I was about to sleep. My eyes were heavy as I just finished writing an entry in my journal. When a thought entered my mind. I was talking to God and He asked me, “Do you love yourself more than I love you?”
In this world, we love ourselves the most
This entry is a re-post from my multiply blog dated on November 4, 2008. It is related to my next entry about God and faith.
Click here to read more of this article
Saturday, April 10, 2010
How do you know if you trust someone? Misconceptions about faith | God and you
Have you ever wondered how you are able to trust someone? Is it a matter of time? A matter of circumstance? Is trusting someone a matter of emotions? These are all questions that have sprung up in our thoughts at some point in our lives. How do you know if you trust someone?
Trusting someone is a choice
Click here to read more about this article
melissa1220621@yahoo.com Saw your picture of the word hugging the girl and would love to use it in a class project at college
Sure =) go ahead. Just a disclaimer, it's not under my copyright =)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Top 5 Things you have to know about Worry | God and you
A lot of people struggle with worry. It would seem that there are a lot of things that people can worry about these days. Believers and non-believers alike struggle with worry and find it hard to overcome their anxiety. There are certain things that you should know about worry that are taken from the Bible.
Top 5 things to know about worry
These entries have been strongly inspired by Harold J. Sala’s book: “Making Your Emotions Work for You”
Click here to read more of this article
Monday, April 5, 2010
When God had no reason to choose | God and you
We all have our preferences and favorites right? The world says that when you have good looks, you’re almost half-way there. And often times, we choose our favorites for a reason – either they look good, or they have a pleasing personality, they make us laugh, they’re fun to be with, etc. How do you think God choose His favorites?
God spoke to Jacob in his dream
The LORD said to her,
“Two nations are in your womb,
and two peoples from within you will be separated;
one people will be stronger than the other,
and the older will serve the younger.” – Genesis 25:23The ‘her’ in this verse pertains to Rebekah, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. What does this verse tell us? Hmmm…
Friday, April 2, 2010
Does worrying about someone mean you care? | God and you
We often worry about someone – most probably the people we love and who are dear to us. It’s quite a common thing to get worried when you’re not with that person or when you’ve no idea where that someone is, what that someone is doing, etc. Does worrying about that particular someone mean that you care?
This is the fifth entry on my series about Worry.
My previous entries:
Top 5 reasons why you should not worry
This entry has been strongly inspired by Harold J. Sala’s book: “Making Your Emotions Work for You”
Worry and care are two different things
Yes, things can go wrong
I’m sure at some point in your life, you’ve experienced worrying about a person, right? It’s not an unusual thing to do to think about what’ might happen to that certain someone when you’re not around. Things can go awry - as ‘Murphy’s law’ endorses it. And there are times that we find ourselves thinking about all the bad things that can go wrong for the person we care about.
Click here to read more about 'Does worrying about someone mean you care?'
What causes worry? The roots and causes of worry | God and you
Worry is a dangerous thing. And we all know it from the drugs invented and coughed up by our scientists and doctors to counter the detrimental effects of this strange and unnecessary emotion. So what causes worry? Where does it get it’s roots?
It all boils down to your trust in God
This is the fourth entry on my series about Worry.
My previous entries:
Top 5 reasons why you should not worry
This entry has been strongly inspired by Harold J. Sala’s book: “Making Your Emotions Work for You””
Click HERE to read more of the article "The roots and causes of Worry"
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Do hard things tour Philippines 2010! | God and you
If you haven’t heard of the book, “Do hard things” By Alex and Brett Harris is a movement for the youth to go against the world’s mindset of ‘teenagers’ and to break barriers to doing things that they never pushed themselves to doing.
Do hard things - a challenge against low expectations
The word “teenager” has never been coined before 70 years ago. Then the way the world looks at the youth has never been the same. Our expectations has turned low, our responsibilities became minimal, our attitudes and desires are highly tolerated, and the list goes on and on…