Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What is Coherence? Walking the Talk

There are only a few people I know who like listening to Ravi Zacharias. It might be a matter of personal taste, I don’t know, but by understanding Christianity through philosophy and logic gives me a sense of coherence in the what and why of the Christian worldview, sometimes as opposed to other competing worldviews.

Walking the TalkAuthor’s note: this one is an extended reflection from a recent conversation over yogurt

Coherence, by dictionary definition, means:

a : systematic or logical connection or consistency

b : integration of diverse elements, relationships, or values

I remember one anecdote Ravi shared in one of his messages. At a conference in a university, while he was speaking a woman who stood up and exclaimed, “Whoever told you that the world needs to be coherent? Where did you get this idea that life had to be coherent? “ In a rather humorous manner Ravi replied, “Ma’am I’ll be very happy to answer your question, I just have one question for you. Do you want my answer to be coherent or incoherent?”

I think he has a point.

Coherence is significant – both in a philosophical worldview’s answers to the fundamental questions in life, and in terms of exhibiting our faith.

Gandhi once commented, I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”(1) referring to the materialism of Christian countries in contrast to what Jesus claims in Luke 16:13.

Some of us may prove Gandhi’s point.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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