Friday, March 16, 2012

SEO Hacker Team

Ever wondered about who the people behind SEO Hacker are? I’ve been trying to get this out for a while but we haven’t been able to take a complete photo shoot until now. So without further ado, I would like to introduce to you the God-sent people who have helped SEO Hacker become what it is today.

Sean Si Sean Si is the head-honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He is a Bible-believing born-again Christian blogger in God and You. He is passionate about teaching, speaking, leadership development, personal growth, SEO and God. Get in touch with him through: Sean Si Facebook | Sean Si Linkedin |  | Follow Sean on Twitter

Angelyn Co is arguably one of the best managers around. She can make people produce – outsourced or in-house, you name it. Her contribution to SEO Hacker is priceless. She’s also the queen mother of the team and we all love her. Angelyn Co


Kevin Si Kevin Si is an artist from the deep roots of his soul. He loves to work fast so that he can flitter around Facebook and 9gag. He is also in charge of front-end web development and design and giving the team a good morale boost when we’re all salivating with heavy workload.


Austin Takahashi is the team mascot, singer, dancer, performer, DJ, entertainer, philosopher, movie critic extraordinaire – you name it. He can be anything. But for now he’s primarily our blog manager. Takes care of all our blogs like they were balloons. If it doesn’t make sense, that’s probably his soul. Follow him at @autitakahashi Austin Takahashi


Vince Salud Vince Salud is the man to go to when things get overloaded. He’s able to carry the extra load and run the field. He is also SEO Hacker’s PPC Manager. He is also passionate about cars and girls. Single and ready to mingle. Yeah.


Robert Cipriano with  his suave looks and demeanor is a guy who will see through in finishing the work assigned to him. He is a born-again Christian and is passionate in sharing God’s Word through his Internet Christian Radio Station, Truth-on-air. He’s in charge of SEO Hacker’s Linkbuilding campaigns. Robert Cipriano


Richmond Ibasco Richmond Ibasco is not what you will call a typical programmer. He is a guy who knows how to have fun in his own definition of the word. And lots of it. He is the lead back-end developer and programmer of SEO Hacker. A programming genius and hard-core gamer. Don’t let the good-boy looks deceive you.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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