Thursday, March 15, 2012

How Foursquare affects SEO | Foursquare Optimization

foursquare logo

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, are among some of the many social media outlets that affect SEO.  However, what many local businesses don’t know is how Foursquare can also aid in their SEO efforts.

This entry is a guest post by Alexis Tate

Foursquare emerged in 2009 and was deemed the “new Twitter” in 2010.  A social media outlet specifically created to allow users to “check-in” to their favorite restaurants, stores, etc., receive deals, and share their check-ins with friends, Foursquare is yet another free social media tool to be used by businesses to better their SEO and overall sales.

Here’s how Foursquare works:

  1. Users create an account and check-in to the places they go.
  2. Participating businesses offer deals and discounts to those who check-in as well as specials to those who are “regulars.”
  3. Users’ check-ins not only get shared with their Foursquare friends, but to all of their Facebook friends and Twitter followers if they opt to do so.

Foursquare encourages not only sharing, but brand loyalty.  It’s truly a win-win situation for those businesses and customers that choose to participate.

Apart from the impact sharing and customer incentives will have on a business’ online presence, Foursquare affects SEO in a very simple way: Businesses with Foursquare profiles get indexed and crawled by Google.  This means that it could directly affect business’ ranking on search engines.

Foursquare SEO Hacker

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