Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3 Huge Benefits of having a Blog


As a designer you must treasure three things at most: Credibility, Clients and Cash.

While a lot of methods can be done to help boost these factors such as Media Advertisements, Online Portfolio, Attending Social Gatherings, one of the most effective and inexpensive proven way is to create a blog. Creating a blog not only is efficient in providing you more exposure to a broad range of client by means of the internet, it is also cost-effective since the cost that you are going to pay is more or less $35/year. If done right, you can be getting about at the very least, 100 possible prospects a day. That’s a pretty cheap deal for $35 a year don’t you think?

It is actually perplexing as to why a lot of freelance designers choose to overlook this opportunity as it can offer so much. While your portfolios present your works in a very impressive light, what good is it if you are never found? Let’s face it, sometimes companies don’t go for word of mouth, instead they go to Google to find a good designer.

You may have just lost one of your best clients because of lack in internet presence.

Given some of the ideas that I have pointed out, if you are still not convinced I’ll give another three points in detail on why making a blog for career will be a win-win action for you:

1: Instant Marketing and Publicity

On AirWhen you create a blog post, you make sure you write something about you and/or your work. After all, its focus is to showcase you: who you are, what you are, and how you are as a designer. Your work should be visible, from the design of your blog, to images in your content. Almost everything should speak YOU.

Now as people read, they learn about your work, your life and/or your interest (depending on your chosen theme). You are on-air as long as your website is up. For about 10 to 30 minutes a day depending on how much effort you place, you are to impart something different to your readers, it might be knowledge or entertainment but as long as they get something, they finish your article with you leaving a mark in them at that moment. And that’s what’s important, ’cause when you do, you just got yourself a tribe.

Every person is sure to have friends, sure to have online social networks and social circles to boot. Use this to your advantage. It is highly recommended that you place certain plugins that instantly inserts network sharing in all your posts as it can do a lot of exponential advertisement to your blog if shared. As an example, my twitter followers amount to about 100, while in Facebook I have 570 friends. Now imagine if I share one of your articles through twitter, you have more or less around 100 prospects already which, in turn, may re-share again and give you another number of prospects.

Think about it this way, while in a static portfolio, you work hard in making collaterals, promoting yourself and socializing in an exerted effort trying your best to share your works.

In a blog, people share it for you.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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