Monday, December 13, 2010

How to Take Care of Your Big Idea — SEO Hacker

Big Ideas

It’s the most thrilling thing in the world. Remember the time when the ‘big idea’ hit you? It sends chills down your spine and makes you want to jump in excitement. It won’t put you to sleep (and sometimes you end up over-thinking and over-planning about it). Yup. It’s definitely a Eureka moment.

This is a post for those people who think they have the ‘next big thing’ (whatever that is).

I’ve been toying around with a business idea for sometime. Actually, ‘toying’ around might be an understatement since I’ve already done things beyond the thinking and is actually on my way to build it. There’s no need to share really what my idea actually is- the point is that I want to share to you my experiences with ideas that may (or can) start something big.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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