Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to Know the Best Keywords for your Business — SEO Hacker

Keywords Foundation

SEO starts with a foundation. It is from the foundation that we get to know where to build, what to build and how to build it. SEO is all about starting on the right foot with the right foundation. That foundation is held by keywords.

The Cornerstone

It is vital that you get your keywords right. Otherwise, all your SEO campaign is a big, epic fail. Imagine the loss if you’re building your marketing campaign on the wrong kind of market. You can’t sell designer shoes to the lower class. They just won’t buy – coz it’s just not in their best interest and budget to do so. The right marketing campaign needs to target the right market.

Go deeper. If you already know the right market, you need to know how that market thinks. Get inside your market’s head and adopt your customer’s mindset.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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