Sunday, September 5, 2010

How can I move on from a breakup | God and you

“We can only be friends”

“I don’t think it’s gonna work out”

I’m closing the doors.”

Heard these lines before? It seems that our world is filled with heart-breaks. Artists have written songs about love turned sour. The movies portray broken and betrayed love and fleeting romances. And in real life, you and I both know that these words can be very real – to the point where you can feel it pierce your heart.

It wounds you.


As much as love is rampant, so are breakups

This entry has been inspired by my recent talk with my discipler. To you, I give my sincere and great thanks. You have freed me. I praise God for you.

As you all know my first and foremost reason and purpose in writing is to remind myself of the wisdom I’ve accumulated – either through my own personal mistakes, through the Word of God, or through the wisdom of others, or all of the above.

Most, if not all of us have gone through a relationship with the opposite sex at some point in our lives. And I realized that for some people, people like me, it is an uphill climb when moving on from a relationship that turned sour (or what we often call a breakup). I needed help. My discipler told me three steps and a mindset.

Step back, step forward, move on

“We are first brothers and sisters in Christ then we are men and women looking for companionship”

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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