- Ratio of Exact Match Anchor Text in Poor Quality Articles
- Ratio of Bad Links coming from autoapprove, non-moderated blogs
- Ratio of No real On-site Activity by any visitors compared to inbound links
1. Link Networks
Over 90% of the Link Networks are easy to spot, both by the human eye and by the Google algorithm.Most Link Networks have the following common patterns:
- Architected from Blogs and Forums, because they are easy to automate and replicate.
- Links try to look as natural as possible by being put inside the content of a blog post or forum thread.
- The owner of a link network rarely puts the effort to generate links back to each of the generated blog posts. This means that each and every post has a probability of having 0 or a small number of backlinks pointing to them.
- Each site from the link network, links out to at least 2 common money sites.
Quickly identify backlinks coming from Link Networks Using cognitiveSEO go to the inBound Link Portfolio area, inside the inBound Link Analysis module, to view all the analyzed links. Apply the following filters:
- Link Position = Blog Post or Forum Thread
- Link Context = Content
- Majestic AC Rank = none or very low
- inBound Links = none or very few
Any of the following types of links can be both natural or artificial. The difference is how they were acquired in terms of link velocity and link distribution over the entire backlink profile of a site. To identify if your backlink profile is unnatural you should always compare your site to your competitors and check for major discrepancies between the backlink profiles of those sites. How I usually do it, is compare my site with the top 5 leaders in the industry and then compare my site with 5 other sites that are trying to break into the niche. There are always things that come up when doing such in-depth analysis. You should always compare metric distributions such Pagerank, mozRank or Majestic AC Rank. These are only the basic comparisons that you can make. The more advanced ones are when you start to compare links classified by webpage type, link type, in content versus not in content links, link position … This was a short intro to the following type of links that we will analyze below.
2. Footer Links
Footer links are totally legit, when they appear in a natural number, correlated to the distribution of the visual positions on a page, of all your backlinks.When these numbers tend to go up, and there is no other competing site in your niche that has stood the test of time in the same SERP positions, than this will raise a red flag to Google. Usually footer links are aquired from sites that:
- sell links
- are involved in link exchange schemes
- have widgets or plugins installed (usually for SERP manipulation)
- “powered by” links ( ex : WordPress)
- partners of your business
- clients that link back to you
Quickly identify Footer Links In the inBound Link Portfolio area apply the following filters:
- Link Visibility = Footer
- Link Context = Group of Links
3. Blogrolls & other Blocks of Links
This category includes both blogroll links and groups of links that do not fit into the blogroll pattern. Here is such an example that is used to abuse the search engines and is not a blogroll. These examples are widgets that are installed on various website and where webmasters get place their link. They might also be considered a “link network” but a public one with no exact control of who includes the widget on the site. Too many links that fit these patterns, might be viewed as unnatural by the Google algorithm and you might get penalized for them. Some of those links can be sitewide links or not. Advanced link widget networks will be carefull to not have those links listed as site-wides, as they might get flaged faster. Like with all of the other types of links presented in this guide, it all comes down to how they integrate in your link profile.Blogrolls were abused so much, that they tend to be very carefully analyzed by the Google algorithm nowadays…
Quickly identify Blogroll & Groups of Links Apply the following filters:
- Link Position = Blogroll, Group of Links, Group of Links and Images …
- Link Visibility = Body
- Majestic AC Rank = 0 to 3
- inBound Links = 0 to 100
4. Site-wide Links
Site-wide links are old news on the Google landscape. Site-wides are devalued and can hurt your rankings for quite some time now. If your domain does not have the necessary authority and receives a couple of site-wides from some low quality sites, your site will be likely to be penalized by Google. The idea behind the site-wide links is quite simple. It is more important to have more root domains talk (link) about (to) your domain, than to have many links coming from fewer root domains that talk (link) about (to) your domain. The exception that confirms the rule. Of course there are site-wide links that will not hurt your rankings, and it all depends on the site the site-wide is put on. If that site is considered an authority and that site-wide link is not correlated to other factors such as high link velocity, than that site-wide could help you.Site-wide links can hurt your rankings
Quickly identify Site-Wide links Go to inBound Link Charts / Sitewide Chart. You will get a chart with the distribution of sitewide links. If it is a rather high number, click the pie and check those links individually. In our case we got 21% sitewide links. Note: A site-wide link is considered to be a link that is automatically replicated across a large number of pages from the same site. Do not miss classify a site-wide as 10 different link coming from 10 different articles on Techcrunch for example. Those are not considered site-wides. Our software has a built in algorithm that matches different patterns and concludes is a link is a TRUE SITE-WIDE or not.
5. Blog Comments
Comment spam is a form of spamdexing and it exists since the beginning of the internet. There are several tools that help the spammers post comments automatically with the final aim to reach higher rankings in the search engines. That is why most of the comments are marked as No-Follow by the blogging platforms, so that Google will not index them. Still spam commenting is a huge phenomenon and everyone that owns a blog knows the amount of comment spam they receive.Blog comment spam evolved on the back of the search engines.
Quickly identify Blog comment links Apply the following filter:
- Link Position = Author name of a Blog comment, Content of a Blog comment
6. Forum profile links & signatures
Forums are abused the same way blogs are.
Quickly identify Forum links Apply the following filters:
- Webpage type = Forum
- Link Position = Blog post or Forum thread.
7. Web Directory links
Having too many links coming from web directories is not always a good sign. This might raise a flag to the Google algorithm. You do not need hundreds of directories to be listed on, only a few quality ones that are well known in your niche. Doing hundreds of directory submissions, either manually or automatically, even if you do it on a longer period of time, so that it will not raise the link velocity flag, it will still ban you if those links are a big percentage of your backlink profile.Forget Web Directory submission services that promise hundreds of directory registrations.
Quickly identify Webdirectory links Apply the following filters:
- Webpage Type = Webdirectory
8. Article Directory links
Avoid cheap content!This is the best advice you could get. Having too many links from article directories is again a sign that something unnatural is going on. Article directories and the sites they linked to mostly, were already hit by Panda last year. Below is one way to find your article directory links so that you can further investigate them.
Quickly identify Article Directory links Apply the following filters:
- Webpage Type = Article Directory
- Majestic AC Rank = none or very low
- inBound Links = none or very few
9. Anchor Text Distribution
Over optimized anchor text does not look natural at all!Anchor text is either:
- brand keywords (domain name keywords or the actual brand name)
- money keywords
- navigational keywords (click here etc)
I hope the tips above will help you identify the links that generated your problems with the Google Penguin update, but most importantly use these tactics to find those links and remove them before Google takes action and penalizes your site.
Tips for Keeps: If you got it, chances are you are doing something wrong. Check out your link profile using cognitive SEO or any other backlink checking tool, take away low quality links and build new, high quality ones. Support this strategy by creating great content and you'll be fine.
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