When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, it roots to much more than just the act. The act is a symptom - but what is the cause behind it? Is it pride? Selfishness? Is it rebellion?
This entry has been inspired by a podcast series of Ravi Zacharias - to you, I give my sincere thanks for your wisdom and for your defense of the faith. The fall of man did not start from the disobedience. No, that was the trigger. The real fall of man was when they chose to call God a liar. It was when their faith was overcome by doubt and lies. Remember what the Serpent said? "Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" - Genesis 3:1 The Serpent sowed seeds of doubt in Adam and Eve and accused God. Then the Serpent laid down the biggest temptation to Adam and Eve. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." - Genesis 3:5 The Biggest Temptation Is the desire to define what is good and define what is evil for themselves. Nowadays, society is redefining what is good and what is evil. The world calls masturbation good. The world calls sex before marriage good. The world calls business under the table good. The world calls bribing policemen as good and wise. Society has changed morality - what is called good and what is called evil has been re-defined and re-named by society. The Naming Process Abortion has renamed the child within as a 'product of love'. Adulterous relationships have been renamed as extramarital affairs. Naming is a very important part of our lives. Remember when Adam named all the animals? He called it what it is. Remember when God had Moses write down the Law? He named every violation as what it is. The naming process is a sacred one. When Jesus renamed Simon as Peter, He was doing something more than just changing a name - He was changing an identity. When God calls you His child - He is changing who you are. You are no longer a child of this world. You have a new name. A new identity. The naming process can alter what you believe in. It can soften it up. It can harden things and slam it to your face. The naming process deals with the heart. Society is trying to change what we believe as good and what we believe as evil - and this will ultimately change how we live. An evil person lives in an evil way because what he believes is true is a lie. A good person lives in a good way because what he believes is true is the truth. Know the Truth Where do we find truth? Who has defined good? Where do we find the standard? The definition of good and evil? There is only one moral law giver - God. His Word is the ultimate authority when it comes to morality. Therefore what God has called good, let us not call evil. What God has called evil, let us not call good. There is only one Truth - Jesus Christ Himself. "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6 Naming influences what defines you. Naming influences what you believe in. Call things what they are in light of the Law of the Lord. How do you change your life? Change what you believe in. Know the truth - what is good? What is evil? Put your faith in God.
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