Thursday, October 14, 2010

Setting your goals in life | God and you

Was having FroYo with some friends from church one day. The conversation was going well until one of them suddenly cried out “Oh no, I’m turning 24 next year!” So what’s so bad about 24?


Set your goals

This entry  has been inspired by that YOUNG lady (who is most probably going to be the first to read this) and by my own experiences and questions in life.

“I’m almost 24!”

“I have no business yet.”

“I have nobody courting me yet.”

I feel like my life is unfulfilled…”

Often we have a certain goal at a certain age. I know I do. And sometimes it gets to us when we are not moving as fast as we want to be moving and we realize that ‘age’ is slowly creeping by.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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