Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How can you Understand the Mind of God? | God and you

A lot of people want to understand things in the perspective of God. Why did He do this? Why did He do that? Why do we experience this in this world? Why does God allow this? And the list goes on and on… Just how do you understand the mind of God?

Thinking statueThis entry has been inspired by my personal quiet time and the book “The love of God” By John MacArthur.

I’ve been reading 1 Chronicles as I go through my sixth time around finishing the Bible. It’s mind-boggling how the Bible changes in personal reflection as life goes by. It has never had the same meaning to me as I’ve read it five times before. And this time around, there was a certain verse that stood out to me as I reflected and meditated on it’s meaning. This is what the verse says:

“Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.” - 1 Chronicles 21:1

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