Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Answer to Biblical Mysteries | God and you

There are so many lingering questions about the Bible in people’s minds – even today. There are just some things that can never be answered regarding the Bible. They say it’s a mystery. Some say it’s an impossibility. I say I know the answer. But will you be able to accept it?

Bible Mysteries

There are just some questions without answers in this lifetime

This entry was inspired by my usual walk to the place where I swim laps. During those times I get a lot of time to think.

When I was younger I had so many sets of questions in my mind about the Bible. Questions like:

“How about the other people who are in remote parts of the world?”

“How about the babies who aren’t able to decide and comprehend about Christianity yet?”

“How about the people in the world before Christ?”

And the questions went on and on… It was literally endless.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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