2012 is almost at and end, and we're all probably thinking about how time flies. Another year is coming to a close, and the new year is just a few days ahead. Looking back, I want to give God glory on the things that He has blessed me with (and He has blessed me with so much!)
And I encourage you to do the same in the comments section below - especially if you've been reading my blog for quite some time. I'd like to know you and hear from you. Tell us how God has blessed you this year!
Here's a short list of the things I praise God for this 2012: 
My family - still in tact My relationship with Apple - growing in our love My relationship with God - He's always in pursuit of my heart and devotion My car - my very first car! My team - Wonderful, talented, loyal people who back me up My business - a business I really love and enjoy My 2 year old celphone - and still going strong! Our team office - Really nice, homey feel Our studio - Where we shoot all our video lessons in SEO School Our clients - Really good set of God-given clients! This blog - which has blessed me immensely! My friends - really good, loyal and caring friends. Couldn't ask for more My guitar - A really good guitar to praise God with Our dogs - Loyal, loving and always happy My daily bread - Never a day when I went hungry this year. My body - I still have everything in tact. My mind - I still have good memory My computer - with which I use to work every day My Seiko watch - Since 1st year high school. Got fixed and it's working again! My books - Learned a lot of new things. Put on new perspectives. Wisdom-givers. I could list down a lot more but I wouldn't be able to end this post. It's amazing how many blessings we have - if we just took time to stop and reflect on God and His goodness in our lives. On another note, I praise God for all these entries I was able to write down this year:
How to Resolve Conflict in Relationships How do you Surrender the Blessing you Love Most? How to be more Patient Living Inside a Christian Bubble Anger Reveals What’s Important to you There’s Treasure Everywhere! Dating God’s Best Holding on to a Relationship How to Overcome the Feeling of Being Used Going Back to God Taming the Tongue What is Real Love? 5 Reasons why I was going to Hell Relationships are Messy Men and Scoreboards 3 Wrong and Ineffective Ways to Deal with Sin Testimony: Why your Passion shouldn’t Define your Identity Why God Answers Prayers Women are Sponges and Men are Turtles 3 Signs that you Should Break Up Why Men Decide Independently Why Single Women Shouldn’t Hurry to get Married How to Wait on God The Worldly Christian Why Women Nag Why Men Should Carry the Burden of Temptation Why did Jesus Christ have to Die on the Cross? Why I Hate Religion I Would’ve Slept with Potiphar’s Wife Why it is so Hard to Wait on God Anger and its Consequences 4 Vital Mindsets of Kindness How come I find it so hard to Trust God? How do you Know if what you Feel is Genuine Love? When God’s Word got Lost How do you Change your Life? Beautiful Mystery The Three Dangers of Loving Someone The First Step to Overcoming Lust, Pornography and Addiction 2 Evidences of Humility Encouraging Pictures We have killed God The Prosperity Test: How God blessed me Triple in 16 days What is Coherence? Walking the Talk 3 Ways on How God Wants You to Pray What does ‘Give to God what is God’s’ mean? The Big Choices in Life Until God Steps in My Valentines Letter to God The Reason Behind your Priorities Why Submission is a Blessing Loving Beyond your Heart Common Mistakes of Men in a Relationship How to find the Perfect Mate Stop and Surrender 3 Overlooked Problems in Relationships Today via
h3sean.com Posted via email from h3sean's posterous
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