Many times, we fail to see the beauty of things because we are too caught up with OUR OWN agenda and how WE LIKE things to go OUR WAY. And then when the time comes that it doesn't, we say, "LIFE SUCKS!"
This post was inspired by the message in our church a few Sundays ago. This title really stuck to me because it emphasized how OUR MINDS AFFECT AND CAN INFECT EVERYTHING. Psychology calls it the power of the mind; which emphasizes on
positive thinking. However, based on personal experience, positive thinking can be quite exhausting. It places the pressure of accomplishing things and doing well on YOUR PLATE. Power of the mind also instills the person to find positive things out of something; desirable and undesirable. This can work. In fact, in many occasions I'm sure it has. But let's be honest, when emotions are flying around the place, do you think POSITIVE thinking can still work?
Proverbs 25:20 says, "
Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart." Recall the time when you were so down and troubled, didn't you
JUST need a
listening ear? Or an understanding heart to whom you can lighten up to? Positive thinking IS helpful just NOT ALWAYS. So why is there treasure EVERYWHERE?
From God's Word Joshua 1: 9, "Have I not commanded you? BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS. Do not be terrified;
do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you WHEREVER you go." (emphasis mine). When Moses died, God gave the responsibility of leading His People to the Promised Land to Joshua. Joshua knew how hard headed the Israelites were. He has heard about their constant nagging and complaining. Not to mention how easily their hearts can turn away from the Lord- Golden Calf (Exodus 32). More so, Joshua knew that the land God promised is still being occupied by armies of various people. There was a lot to take in for this guy. And he was scared.
But Joshua trusted God. 
There's treasure everywhere
because our God is everywhere. His thumbprint can be found on that unreasonable boss who does not notice how hard you have been working for him. It can be found on the deteriorating health of your mom. It is written in your family's disbelief of your new found faith. It can be EVIDENT in your everyday seeking of the Lord's message. And surely, GOD is there in that broken relationship you are having with your boyfriend. Calvin found treasure as he was digging a pit full of ROCKS. P
salms 55: 22 says, "Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." God knows your heartache, He knows your EVERY problem,your major and minor concerns.
He is and was with you since the very start. THERE IS TREASURE EVERYWHERE. Let Him help YOU find the treasure that is still being written in your life story. Trust HIM when the perfect timing of finding that treasure WILL BE. But know that there is and it lies within
GOD'S STORY IN YOUR LIFE. Jeremiah 29: 13, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Perhaps another reason why you don't find the treasure is because you are NOT LOOKING for it? via
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