I think it's about time to give due credit to whom credit is due. Let me tell you how SEO Hacker first started and the history of my journey as its first managing director.
WARNING: This is NOT a post about SEO nor Internet Marketing It all started when I bought my first blog -
God and You (h3sean.com). I offered my last money to God and told Him that I want to just blog for Him - to glorify Him throughout the internet. I bought the domain name, 1 gig worth of hosting and started my first independent Wordpress blog.
My SEO Experience I was going through my On-the-Job Training (OJT) when I stumbled upon SEO - I was hired by a young company in Ortigas (which is now out of business, unfortunately). I was hired and was given the task of SEO trainee - too bad that the SEO manager resigned just a week after I got in - leaving all the SEO work to me (there were only 2 of us for the company's entire SEO stuff). I had an enormous quota which involved blog commenting, forum posting and adding a lot of friends in 5 social networks for 5 of our company's clients - which I'm ashamed to say wasn't really SEO work. It was honestly horrible and I worked from 6am in the morning to 12 midnight on some days - and got paid $150 a month for all of it. In the middle of it all, I was learning more about WHY I was doing things. Why I had such a huge quota. Why I had to comment intelligibly on forums. Why I had to comment intelligibly on blogs. Why the links were so important. Etc. In all of this, I applied everything to my first blog - God and You. And true enough, some of my tests worked. I got my blog to PR 3 then PR 4 (It's not back at PR 3 and I don't know why). And it's ranking on a wide scale of keywords even until now.
The Brand Name SEO Hacker as a website was born April 2010 - just a few months from my college graduation (I graduated February 2010) - while I was still working for HP as a SAP support specialist in the San Miguel Building in front of SM Megamall. It was after working hours for me (my shift was 9am - 6pm) and I had lots of time to wait for my friend who was assigned to a 3pm - 12mn shift. By this time, I was already a bit knowledgeable about SEO because of the strategies I tested out in my God and You blog (h3sean.com). I bought SEO-Hacker.com (whose name was inspired by a blog I was following then - lifehacker.com) and built it as a 'knowledge-base' blog. I simply blogged about the new things I was learning about SEO. I was doubly inspired by Copyblogger.com on how they were posting such great copywriting tutorials and helping out a lot of people become better bloggers. I fashioned SEO Hacker's style on their generous tips and tricks blog style - and even had my color scheme inspired by their color scheme then. I worked hard in HP - learning how a services company should provide great services to clients - and the penalty of it if we don't. I learned to do things in a timely fashion and to work well with a team. I came in the office 9am and worked til 6pm and had 6 more hours to wait for my friend (whose house I stayed in during weekdays) until 12 midnight - which gave me a lot of time to read about SEO, practice it, then write about it. Those were the first blog entries of SEO Hacker - needless to say, they're only around 300 words and don't make much of an SEO article. Don't bother looking for them.
Our first 'Team Get Together' (Know who that guy on the far left is?)
How I Started as a Professional Then someone from our local church invited me to do SEO for him - he was a third party. I told him that I don't have any professional experience but he insisted. So I went to work - but I was convicted because the website was a gambling website. I then asked God if what I was doing was glorifying to Him and I told God that if it wasn't - He would take it away. That's almost $550 worth of monthly income which was more than what I was getting in HP. God was faithful and He took the project away - leaving me with nothing for half a month. I went to Hongkong with my dad (it was my graduation gift) and I met a girl there whose uncle owned the biggest scuba diving liveaboard fleet in the Philippines. She referred me to her uncle and that was my first major contract. I was gutsy enough to pitch the contract at almost $1,000 and the company agreed. The rest, as they say, is history.
Where we Are Now 
Today, SEO Hacker has grown to more than 10 people in the team and more than 20 brands under the care of our
internet marketing services. But the best part is, SEO Hacker has helped numerous up-coming SEO specialists through its blog,
SEO School, and through
speaking engagements throughout the country. Looking back, I could really say that it's all by God's grace - and even today when we face financial difficulties as a team (yes it does happen), God is gracious enough to boost us with 1 more client or with a few more people signing up for our Sterling Enrollment. I want all my readers to know that SEO Hacker is a company and a blog started by the grace of my God in my life - He deserves all the credit. I'm merely His servant. I also want you to know that if you let God - He can do great things in your life too. I gave Him my last money and He blessed me with a wonderful business, a wonderful team, and even a wonderful girlfriend (yes, the first topic me and my girlfriend talked about was Christian apologetics in my blog). But in all this, I want to share with you this verse that I keep in my heart and mind.
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” - Job 1:21 SEO Hacker started with God - and it will surely end with God. Blessed be the name of the Lord. You can
read a little bit more about my SEO journey here.
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