Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Dating God's Best
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Cognitive SEO: Post Panda-Penguin Backlink Analysis Capabilities
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Holding on to a Relationship
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Why You Feel Used
Recently, I have been thinking about talents. I believe that our talents are given for 2 reasons - to glorify God and to bless others. And since we have a God who is unselfish and loving, He uses us to be channels of blessings to others. This post has been inspired by the series of events in my life this week that showed how giving, forgiving and good our God is. In my line of work, I try my best to be well aware of the skill sets and talents of the people I work
with. This is one of the many things I picked up from the book, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' by Dale Carnegie. I use this as an instrument to encourage and build up their morale especially during difficult times. I couldn't recall the number of times I have witnessed how compliments and encouragements changed the mindset of people. They gained faith, strive harder, went the extra mile and achieved the goal. Unfortunately, personally I did not have someone who do the same for me. I felt like I needed to have my emotional tanks filled too. Don't we all? Have you ever felt like you have given much and none was left? It's like you had worked so hard, but still was unappreciated? Or you have forgiven, understood their side and been patient and now you're asking, was it really worth-it? In short, your mind goes, "WHAT ABOUT ME"? Call me selfish. But be honest with yourself. If you've had this feeling, I have good news and bad news. Good news is, you're human. Bad news is you have forgotten who loved you FIRST. Okay, another good news, I had gone thru the same feeling and I want to share with you the things God told ME. Lesson number 1- Use your gifts to bless others. (2 Cor. 9:11). God told me that He has given me the gift of encouragement. Highlighting: GOD GAVE ME. Let me emphasize that it is God, Creator of the Universe, the Ultimate Provider of His children who blessed me with a gift/s. So how in the world will I run out? You ought to know what your skill sets are. If you do, then use your gifts to bless others. CCF, our church reminds us that we are blessed to be a blessing. It was not meant to be kept for yourself. Nor was it meant to be hidden because you're shy. Knowing your gifts hold so much blessings. Aside from the fact that:
A. SURELY, you will be joyful in doing so; B. You will also grow in maturity with this God-given gift. C. you will bless others. But more importantly, YOU PLEASE GOD. And isn't that what our life's purpose should be? (1Cor. 10:31, Col. 3: 17). Tip: Being joyful as you do something is one way to find out your God given gift. (i.e. giving-charity works or acts of service, writing, singing). Lesson number 2- Draw your strength from the Giver. Everything good comes from God. All our thoughts, initiatives, speech and good works are from Him. "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." -Romans 7:18. Having the goal to please God and understanding that all good things come from Him and not from us, takes the attention and credit away from self. We become less mindful of what we THINK WE DESERVE and more in tuned with HOW MUCH GOD HAS BLESSED US. Again as previously mentioned, to please Him. Drawing your strength from the Giver-whether it be love, wisdom, humility or patience also heightens the NEED to commune with God. For how can we be informed what to do if we don't listen? I would like to end on a statement that Sean shared with me. He said, "Someday when I meet God, I would like to show Him that I used up ALL the talents He has given me in this world." I agree. Wouldn't you too? Our God deserves our all. via h3sean.com
Monday, October 15, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Going Back to God
"There's just too many questions, aren't there?"
He's wearing white slacks and long sleeves that seemed to glow as he smiled. No, I didn't see the smile but i felt it - strongly. I nodded unknowingly, "Why did you come?" He was looking for me ever since - it's just he decided to finally meet me. "You've come a long way. Why now? Why me? Why all the trouble?" I shrugged my shoulders, "And what now?" He shifted his weight on the old black leather couch that seemed too comfortable. "You've stolen from me. I want it back." "What did I steal from you?" Again that smile - this time, it felt as if He was amused. "What you've given me before - your heart." I was astonished, "That just doesn't happen in one seating" "Oh, I believe this is exactly what you need." "And how do you plan to do that?" "Do you remember the time when you were hungry? The time when you wanted this girl and you didn't know if you were sure? The time when you needed an encouragement?" "Yeah, well, that's all in the past, isn't it?"
He stretched pointed out to me as if He was going to say something important, "What about that goal of getting married you've been working so hard for?" I didn't know what to say. "Aren't you tired? Your eyes seem so. They've lost their joy. Their glow. Your shoulders are slumped. Your cheeks sag. Oh you may not have noticed this but I do. I know you better than you think." He stood up as if to model His words, "You've forgotten to stand up straight and walk as if there is hope. Now you toil ahead as if you're dragging the weight of your past." I felt tears welling up, "And what would you do to bring me back?" "It's not about what I would do. It's about what you would do. Walk with me." I shook my head and looked away, "I stole from you, dishonored you, spat on your face and shamed you in front of my friends, there is nothing more between us." "That's not true!" His voice boomed through the walls, "There is something that will always be between us." He grew silent. "My Son. Jesus." He walked towards me, "Remember I gave my Son up for you as a sacrifice for your sins - He took your place of death on the cross. You can never say that there is nothing between us." I just stood there in shame, "Yes... I remember..." He held out his hand, "I will take you back. Walk with me." I reached out for His hand, "I'm no longer worthy to be called your son, Lord." I shed my first tears in years. "But because of Jesus, you are. And I love you and I will take you back." I remember my addictions, my respectable sins, my deceits, my bad habits, even my empty and dishonoring relationships. I'm letting it all go. "Okay God. I surrender. Take me back."
Friday, October 5, 2012
Taming the Tongue
Words are powerful. That's a fact I've come to know in my years of writing, counseling, talking, reading, and dealing with other people. The written word can be carefully thought about before we put it out for the world to see. But how about the spoken word? How many times have we said some things that we wish we could've taken back? A Little Background
I consider myself an emotional person - and I think there are pros and cons to that. The pros being, I can relate to other people and make a better connection with them without much difficulty. I'm a speaker in conferences and seminars and I teach online in my SEO School. I'm also a wordsmith - I love writing and voicing out my ideas. The cons? Well, let's just say, it's so easy to let my emotions out - whether good or bad. Thank God that I've learned about taming the tongue early in life! And I want to impart to you the reasons why I'm living a life in constant surrender of my tongue to the Lord. Life and Death "You're hopeless" ,"You're good for nothing", "You're better off dead". How many times have we heard these words? Discouraging, heart-breaking, life-scarring words. How many times have we said them?
"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." - Proverbs 18:21 It's such a small thing - this tongue we have installed in our mouths. But the Bible says it has the power of life and death. How can that be? Can you kill someone with your tongue? "A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. " - Proverbs 15:4 We may not be able to kill someone physically but we will be able to break someone's spirit. God has given us the power of the spoken word. It's so easy to let a word or two out of our mouths to satisfy what we feel. It's so easy to make a comment or two about someone's attitude. It's so easy to tell a friend about someone's fashion statement gone wrong. "There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. " - Proverbs 12:18 A Spiritual Sting Words can hurt. Perhaps more than a physical wound can. It can be excruciatingly painful to the spirit of the receiver. I've been a victim. I'm sure you were too. There are a lot of people who have no awareness of their tongue's power over someone else's life. "All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. " - James 3:7-8 Unwilling and Rogue The tongue cannot be tamed. It has to be surrendered. "...Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. " - James 3:5-6 Surrendered to God's grace, mercy, healing, wisdom, courage, love. So that we will be able to say words that are glorifying to God. "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. " - Ephesians 4:29 Or at the very least, to keep silent if we have no good thing to say. "Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. " - Proverbs 21:23 "Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. " - Proverbs 17:28 Let's not inflict on other people the harsh, life-marring words we've heard in our lives. Instead, let's commit to speaking out only what is good and encouraging and loving to other people.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
SEO Hacker in MorCon 2012
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