Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What is Real Love?

In a world where the word 'Love' has lost its real meaning in a flurry of shallow statements such as "I love chocolate", "I love books", "I love Facebook", how do we know what it really means when someone tells you "I love you"? Broken Paper HeartThis entry has been inspired by Max Lucado's book "A Love Worth Giving" which has taught me a huge deal about real love. Parts of this entry has been taken from a part of his book on "Love Believes all Things" I'm writing this entry as the first of a series based on his book. His writings have been a wonderful experience to me. A Dead Man's Story "By all rules, Skinner was a dead man." With these words Arthur Bressi begins his retelling of the day he found his best fiend in a World War II Japanese concentration camp. The two were high-school buddies. They grew up together in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania - playing ball, skipping school, double-dating. Arthur and Skinner were inseparable. It made sense, then, that when one joined the army, the other would as well. They rode the same troopship to the Philippines. That's where the were separated. Skinner was on Bataan when it fell to the Japanese in 1942. Arthur Bressi was captured a month later. Through the prison grapevine, Arthur learned the whereabouts of his friend. Skinner was near death in a nearby camp. Arthur volunteered for work detail in the hope that his company might pass through the other camp. One day they did. Arthur requested and was given five minutes to find and speak to his friend. He knew to go to the sick side of the camp. It was divided into two sections - one for those expected to recover, the other for those given no hope. Those expected to die lived in a barracks called "Zero Ward". That's where Arthur found Skinner. He called his name, and out of the barracks walked the seventy-nine pound shadow of the friend he had once known. As he writes:
I stood at the wire fence of the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp on Luzon and watched my childhood buddy, caked in filth and racked with the pain of multiple diseases, totter toward me. He was dead; only his boisterous spirit hadn't left his body. I wanted to look away, but couldn't. His blue eyes, watery and dulled, locked on me and wouldn't let go.
Skinny guyMalaria. Amebic dysentery, Pellagra. Scurvy. Beriberi. Sinner's body was a dormitory for tropical diseases. He couldn't eat. He couldn't drink. He was nearly gone. Arthur didn't know what to do or say. His five minutes were nearly up. He began to finger the heavy knot of the handkerchief tied around his neck. In it was his high-school class ring. At the risk of punishment, he'd smuggled the ring into camp. Knowing the imminence of disease and the scarcity of treatment, he had been saving it to barter for medicine or food for himself. But one look at Skinner, and he knew he couldn't save it any longer. As he told his friend good-bye, he slipped the ring through the fence into Skinner's frail hand and told him to "wheel the deal" with it. Skinner objected, but Arthur insisted. He turned and left, not knowing if he would ever see his friend alive again. What kind of love would do something like that? It's one thing to give a gift to the healthy. It's one thing to share a treasure with the strong. But to give your best to the weak, to entrust your treasure to the dying - that's saying something. Indeed, that's saying something to them. "I believe in you," the gesture declares. "Don't despair. Don't give up. I believe in you." "[Love] believes all things" - 1 Corinthians 13:7 I've been counseling a friend about his personal problems. His life's a mess. He's been following his own desires. His own passions. Until it ruined him - emotionally, relationally, spiritually. It marred his life. And you know what brought him back up to his feet? I reminded him that God believes in him. High School RingWant to know what happened to Skinner? He took the rnig and buried it in the barracks floor. The next day he took the biggest risk of his life. He approached the "kindest" of the guards and passed him the ring through the fence. "Takai?" the guard asked. "Is it valuable?" Skinner assured him that it was. The soldier smiled and slipped the ring into a pocket and left. A couple of days later he walked past Skinner and let a packet drop at his feet. Sulfanilamide tablets. A day later he returned with limes to combat the scurvy. Then came a new pair of pants and some canned beef. Within three weeks Skinner was on his feet. Within three months he was taken to the healthy side of the sick camp. In time he was able to work. AS far as Skinner knew, he was the only American ever to leave the zero ward alive. All because of a ring. All because someone believed in him. God gave you a ring once. Jesus talked about it in the story of the prodigal son. The tale involves a wealthy father and a willful son. The boy squandered all his inheritance in wild living. He sated all the desires of his heart through fleeting, temporary pleasures - until nothing was left for him. Living in misery and loss, he went back to his father's house. And you know what? The father ran out to him in compassion. Instead of crossed arms, a furrowed brow and a stern lecture, the first things his father gave him were gifts. "But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate." - Luke 15:22-23 Do you know what a ring meant during the time? Rings were symbols of delegated sovereignty. The bearer of the ring could speak on behalf of the giver. It was used to press a seal into soft wax to validate a transaction. The on who wore the ring conducted business int he name of the one who gave it.
"When you speak the truth, you are God's ambassador. As you steward the money he gives, you are His business manager. When you declare forgiveness, you are His priest. As you stir the healing of the body or the soul, you are His physician. And when you pray, He listens to you has a father listens to a son. You have a voice in the household of God. He has given you His ring." - Max Lucado
The only thing more remarkable than the giving of the ring is the fact that he hasn't taken it back! Weren't there times when He could have? When you promoted your cause and forgot His? When you spoke lies and not truth? But you still have a Bible, don't you? You could still pray? And you still have resources to manage? Then it appears that God still wants you to have the ring. He still believes in you! And I wonder, could you take some of the belief that God has in you and share it with someone else? Could you believe in someone? Arthur gave Skinner much more than a ring he gave him a proclamation, a judgment that said, "You are worth this much to me! You life is worth saving. Your life is worth living." He believed in him and, as a result, gave Skinner the means and the courage to save himself. Speak words that make people stronger. Believe in them as God believed in you You may save someone's life. Arthur did. His friend Skinner survived. Both men returned home to Mount Carmel. One day, soon after their arrival, Skinner came over for a visit. He had a gift with him. A small box. Arthur knew immediately what it was. It was an exact copy of the high-school ring. After a lame attempt at humor - "Don't lose that; it cost me eighteen dollars" - he gave his friend a warm smile and said, "That ring, Artie... It saved my life." May someone say the same to you. May you say the same to God.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

How to Extract Meaningful Keywords using Ranktracker

Meaning ful Keywords I've been blogging for quite a while about SEO and I realized that I haven't really blogged about how to track keyword rankings effectively. This post is all about directing your online marketing efforts towards meaningful, performing keywords and decreasing efforts for non-performing ones.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

5 Reasons why I was going to Hell

I believe that there is a place called hell where eternal fire and suffering exists. Where nothing but eternal pain, horror and excruciating torture is felt. I believe that this hell is one of two places where people go when they die. I believe I was headed down there. Hell1) I'm a Liar I lie. I don't remember when I did it the first time. But I'm sure it wasn't far from when I was born. I don't remember when I did it the last time either - but I'm sure it wasn't far from today. 2) I'm a Thief I steal. Something grabs my attention, piques my desire, arouses my greed - I take it. It's not mine. But I store it away anyway. I've stolen some things. 3) I'm an Adulterer My eyes wander to and fro. My heart yearns for the forbidden. I lust after another woman who is not my wife. My heart darkens. I've fallen deep and fallen often. 4) I'm a Fornicator Taken deep by my lust, I wandered out to sate my appetite for my fleshly yearning. I go after another woman. I can never go back. There is no second virginity. 5) I'm a Murderer I am guilty of murdering the only Son of God. He was crucified in my stead - a sinless man took away my sins on the cross. An excruciating, tortuous and painful death that should have been mine. Jesus Christ was the only qualified substitute for me. I was well on my way to hell - inherently evil. Trapped in my sinful desires. But God, in His great grace and love for me, sent His Son - Jesus Christ, to die for my stead so that I won't have to go to hell. Because of Jesus' sinless life, death could not hold Him. He was raised again to life on the third day and I await His return - to go and join Him in His Kingdom in heaven. He did it for you too, you know?

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

How Rel Author Tag Affects SEO | Implement Authorship Markup

Google Authorship Rel=”author” is Google's authorship markup where authors link their page content on their Google profile. Google's authorship markup is one of the most popular on site optimization factors. It shows up in the search engine results page as an eye-catching picture, it connects all your published works, it leverages trust in you as an author and much more. So how does it affect SEO?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Relationships are Messy

It was the resonating voice of reality that echoed through my head as I looked outside the window on a shuttle bound for the city. I breathed a sigh as the thought repeated itself; “relationships are messy.” Dirty HandsAuthor’s Note: I just had to write this one. Scenarios are fictional. There was a show on TV last Saturday night that talked about relationships – romantic relationships. And with the volley of questions and answers it seemed there were no concrete answers to anything. I don’t know. Every attempt to answer questions seemed to only bring more questions. And it’s not like the world will stop until we find those answers. No, we are left to live life with such questions hovering over our heads – dumbfounded and confused on what to do when confronted with the issue. I paced across Krispy Kreme and saw a group of young adults engaged in what seemed to be a very serious conversation. My imagination would suggest they probably have conflicts with some members of their group, discussing their concerns collectively in hopes of coming up with a solution, or maybe just to gain agreement from their peers. I can imagine what they might be saying, “I have my concerns”, “why can’t we just do this instead?”, “I don’t understand.” The litter on their table hinted they might have been there for hours, probably talking about the same issue with the same intensity, and yet still to arrive at a conclusion. As I was walking to the terminal, a young man passed by. He was talking to someone on the phone, his countenance rather grim and his gestures quite tensed. It could be a problem with a colleague he was working with – frustrated with his seeming apathy and disinterest in the work he does, somehow this young man is left stressed to do what his colleague couldn’t (or perhaps wouldn’t) do. He tried reaching out to no avail. He raised his concern but it was as if he wasn’t heard, and probably at that moment he was on the brink of quitting. An old lady was sitting at the terminal. Her face was hinted with disappointment, perhaps over a relationship she thought was perfect. She recounted her younger years and traced where she went wrong in her decisions. She must have been reflecting on it for months now. Scars and bruises were on her arms and neck. She had a cane beside her, and from the looks of it she seemed to have purchased it rather recently to aid her limping right leg. Probably her limping leg was also just recently. Her bag was held closely to her chest as she waited for the bus. A young boy, dressed in white and carrying a backpack, was sitting beside me. He had his headset on, and the volume of his music was probably at its maximum. Despite the noise of traffic, the incessant honking, the sound of engines and the ruckus of ongoing construction, I could hear what he was listening to. It was familiar. It was Simple Plans’ Perfect. His lips were moving with the melody; I can tell he was singing along with it. I wondered what else was on his playlist aside from a song about a son’s efforts to live up to his father’s expectations, and then fail. I sat down on my office chair, closed my eyes, and thank the Lord for bringing me safely to work. And in my casual talk with God I whispered the same haunting line, “Lord, relationships are messy.” I opened my bible and read His word. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. – Philippians 2:3-4 And then it hit me. Relationships are messy because people are messy. But God didn’t mind getting His hands dirty in the mess of my life. And if I am to confess God in my life, I should also be ready to dive into the mess of relationships. It’s not what I can get, but what I can give. It’s not what people do (or don’t do) to me, but what I do (or don’t do) to them. It’s not how I expect to be loved, but how I am to love them. It’s not about me. It’s about the One whom I belong to. And He gives me these commands: to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love others as yourself.(1) Relationships are messy because people are messy, but God doesn’t mind getting His hands dirty. And so should we. (1) CF Luke 10:27, Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 12:30-31

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