In the beginning of 2012 Google started sending out webmaster notification messages to reportedly 700,000 webmasters all around the world. A lot of these were about “artificial or unnatural links”. Note from the Webmaster: This is a Guest post from Rankpanel's Director, Alexander Puschilov. I think Rankpanel is one of those new tools that might just make it big - especially with the Google Penguin (over optimization) update. The notices seem to be related to some new search quality system in place, which renders certain link building techniques no longer viable. Patrick puts it well, when saying that the major difference between this recent update and previous ones is that this one penalizes the SEO strategy used. In the Rankpanel data set, we started noticing the first major impact on a large number of sites in the week ending March 18, 2012.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Beautiful Mystery
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." – Ecclesiastes 3:11
Author’s Note: This one’s from conversations I had during and after GLC class. I decided to visit Donald Miller’s Blog and found a rather casual yet interesting entry about humanity and its unexplored facets. In his blog he writes, “I still think the least explored territory is humanity, both collective and individual. It’s not physical territory, I know, but where is there more fearful darkness or illuminating beauty than in the depths of the person sitting next to you on a bus? Where is there more evil and more beauty than in the unexplored cosmos of a human being?” I think he’s right. More than the ocean or space, humanity is the least explored territory. I had a short conversation with one of my classmates in GLC before the class started. Little did I know that I said something that piqued her curiosity and self-awareness. During the break, she asked if we could talk more. Though it wasn’t my main point, I explained, “What I see is just an observation. I cannot make decisive comments about you because we haven’t really spent much time together.” In a separate talk over coffee I told a friend, “If you believe that God created everything and everyone, you could say that He has left a sort of fingerprint upon His creation. We can, then, see and find God’s signature in His work – however hard or hidden it may be.” Each person is a mystery. So much can be asked of one person, and it takes a lifetime – maybe even more – to fully understand him/her. We are mysteries known only to the One who created us, and the psalmist understood this as he wrote: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. – Psalm 139:13-16 I would submit to the notion that we are in pursuit of all things beautiful – whatever our definition of beauty is. If we treat each person as a beautiful mystery – fearfully and wonderfully crafted by the Hands of the Creator, we would find ourselves spending time discovering them, understanding who they are, trying to unravel facets of their being, in search for that beauty that is God’s fine print in them. We veer away from (yet not ignore) the flaws we see, as we are flawed and imperfect ourselves. Instead, we choose to believe the best in them. However difficult it may seem, or how tiresome it may get, we choose to remain fascinated and enthusiastic – because we have resided ourselves to the fact that through His eyes we will find God in that person, with His mighty Hand ever at work.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
How to Recover from Over Optimization
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Three Dangers of Loving
I've been learning in my relationship with my girl that loving someone has its dangers. Usher said "There's so many ways to love ya", and this is true. There's so many ways to love a person - but what is the right way that will help you keep your relationship straight?
This entry has been inspired by my love for Angelyn Co. To you I will give my life not for the sake of loving but for the sake of glorifying Christ from here on Loving for the sake of Loving There are a lot of people today who have a lot of love to give. We were created as relational beings. It is a natural part of us to love someone. But there is a question we have to ask ourselves. Why do we love? Why do we give our love away to another person? Is it to get married? Is it to have children? What if those things come and are fulfilled? What next? There are a lot of people today - especially younger people - who love for the sake of loving. Because they have love to give. Just because you have love to give, doesn't mean you have to give it. Loving for the sake of loving can be the most selfish, meaningless act you can do in your life - and it will easily lead to emotional instability. Love is a choice. It is also a powerful emotion. How you distinguish between the two is determined by its purpose. Loving for the sake of loving easily defines love as an emotion because loving for the sake of loving cannot define love as a choice. It will bear no meaning. Loving someone too much I've written quite a handful of articles about loving someone too much. This is one of the most dangerous aspects of loving that a lot of people fall into. Loving someone too much puts you in the dangerous playground of idolatry. It simply puts the beloved before anything else - even Christ. Loving someone too much also sets you up, if you're a guy, to let the girl lead. And if you're a girl, it sets you up to follow even towards wrong leadership. Wrong leadership can mean, a leading to impurity, sexual immorality, lying, and anything against the heart and leadership of God. Loving beyond what you can give Our love has its limits. We are finite beings with finite emotions and finite will, energy, resources, time and imagination. Because we are finite beings, even if we have a lot of love to give, we can run out. Our emotional tanks can go empty. When this happens, you are setting yourself up for disappointment, burnout, stress and bitterness. Loving beyond what you can give and not getting any reciprocated love in return can easily lead to bitterness. Loving beyond what you can give and going farther than what your limited time, resources, and energy can bear can easily lead to burnout and stress. How can Love go Wrong? The questions our generation is asking is "How can our love have gone wrong?", "Where did we lose ourselves?", and the cry of our hearts remains unanswered. How can love hurt so much? There are so many ways to love someone dangerously. So what do we do? How do we love someone in the right way? The Purpose behind Loving There is only one way to love someone - to really love someone. Love for the sake of the glory of God. This is the answer. Love can never go wrong with that purpose and direction behind it. Love for the sake of the glory of God. Glorify and honor our God in your love for others - and you will never ask love why it went wrong - ever again.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Over Optimization Penalty
- You have a lot of exact-match Anchor Text coming into your website - signaling unnatural link building
- You are practicing Obvious Link Exchange - link exchange pages already signal spam to Google. Setting up a link exchange page is a no-no. Right now, in-content link exchanges are the best way to go.
- Your website has a Fast Link Acquisition Rate - again, signaling unnatural link building
- Your Social Signals vs Links Ratio is far from each other - if there are a lot of links coming in, there should be people coming in from those links. If those links are quality, the people coming in from there should most likely engage in a social activity in your website. If your social signals are not consistent with your links, there must be something wrong.
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Friday, April 6, 2012
Online Reputation Management Tips | Mininet Creation
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