Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Does God want us to be rich? | God and you

Being rich and making lots of money has always been in my mind. I found it impossible to achieve as I thought about being corporate worker in an IT industry when I was still studying ICTM in De La Salle university as a college student.

SEO Hacker

My Company: SEO Hacker

This entry has been inspired by the impossibility of my business and God’s great blessings in my life. This is my testimony in light of my business.

I was a college student engrossed in wasting my time playing computer games – namely DOTA. I loved playing DOTA with my friends and DOTA barkada because of the temporal glory and praise I received whenever I’d turn the game around, lead the team to a win, upset the other team, dominate the game, etc… In short, I love the recognition I got due to my skills in the game.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

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