Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Worst Thing that you can do with your Time

If you know me personally, you already know that I was a computer games addict. I played almost all day for 16 hours straight. I cut classes and spent all the time I had playing DOTA. What happened afterwards? Well… Nothing.

Where do you spend your time?

Where do you spend your time?

So what’s the point?

Well why did I spend all my time then playing DOTA? Now I’ve realized the root of the reason behind why you spend your time on things where you think it’s worth it.

This post was inspired by John Maxwell’s book ‘The 360 degree Leader’

How you value yourself is how you will value your time

I thought that temporal happiness was worth it. I thought that glory through being the best in computer games is worth it. Then I realized I was dead-wrong. I valued myself as someone who’s time can be thrown away to temporary happiness and glory. I valued myself too low.

Click here to read the full article

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