Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Effectively Choke a Relationship

Courtship Lots of relationships start out well. A couple goes on a date or two, they like each other, they get engaged and eventually get married. It's the happiest day of their lives! Six months later, they end up miserable and want to get a divorce. What happened?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Events Tracking Tutorial in Google Analytics

Events Tracking Lots of things can happen in a website today. You can play a video, subscribe to a newsletter, even play flash games! Would you be able to track if your users are engaging in these activities in your website with Google Analytics? With the usual tracking code, you can't. So let's make some tweaks and make sure you're tracking these valuable interactions shall we?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to Set-Up Goals and Funnels in Google Analytics

Google AnalyticsWhat’s your goal? Google Analytics Goals and Funnels Visualization are the perfect tools to identify how your goals are performing and how you can improve your website’s strategy. Websites have goals. It could be an online store or a subscription site, whatever it may be, it’s important to have good goals in a website. But knowing the progress in your goals is totally different.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Reason Behind Break-ups and Divorce

God Shaped HoleSo many break-ups and divorces are happening today. Some years ago, people would be ashamed to admit a break-up, much more a divorce. However, nowadays there are people who, without a second thought, would tell you that they've had 3 divorces or 5 previous break-ups. The sad part about it is that it's becoming the norm and society has accepted this openly. What are the reasons behind it?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Stop Smelling Like Spam: Effective SEO Outreach

Spam Emails For link builders and SEOs, nothing is more frustrating than sending out emails only to sit idly by and twiddle our thumbs while shooting off the odd follow up email every so often. We have no way of knowing if our fragile bytes of text found their way into a comforting inbox just waiting to be opened like a present in December, or if they are experiencing a baptism by fire and duking it out with free online gambling ads and prescription medication in the spam folder.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Guarding Your Heart

Guard your HeartOur emotions are powerful decision makers. It is more often used to make a purchase and justify why we need it. It move us as a person. It is a powerful force that can even drive our actions. The Bible often pertains to our emotions as our 'heart'. The Bible also tells us to guard it. How do we do it?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Google Analytics Tutorial

Google Analytics So you're a marketer and you work well with data. Data verifies strategies. Real data tells you how your users react to you. Real data should be the one directing where your SEO campaign should go. The closest place you can find your real data is in Google Analytics. Here's where it gets interesting.

Monday, January 7, 2013

How Do You Know What Is Right or Wrong If It's not in the Bible?

meditate on Gods WordThere comes a point in our Christian walk when we get confused whether God is pleased with our actions or not. No, I'm not talking about that sin you find so hard to deal with. Nor am I referring to that struggle you're constantly battling with going 3 years now. I'm talking about issues that were not EXPLICITLY talked about in God's Word.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Developing your SEO Sense

SEO Sense Ever wonder how some SEO specialists do a conclusive analysis within a minute or two of whether a site is ranking well or not? I call it SEO sense - it's the ability to know each and every little detail about a website and use it to arrive at a certain conclusion of a site's SEO.