Sunday, January 31, 2010

How does your emotions affect your judgment? | God and you

We all have emotions. It makes us happy or sad, joyful or mad, it makes us laugh or cry or smile. Emotions move us and make us feel. It is something that’s innate and intentionally designed for us. Emotions are very powerful and we have to be mindful of it. Why? Because our emotions are a very powerful decision-influencers.

Your emotion is a battleground where God and the Devil strive for mastery

Your emotion is a battleground where God and the Devil strive for mastery

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Denying Lust is Saving Sex | God and you

Sometimes we are led to think that God doesn’t want us to have the pleasure of sex because He has set up all kinds of rules and regulations around it. Why doesn’t he allow pre-marital sex? Why does He say lust is a sin? Because He is saving sex for you.

Inspired by Joshua Harris’ ‘Not even a Hint’

Deny lust to save sex

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers|Book Review | Unclank

One of the most enduring Christian books in the market yet it still impacts lives in a fresh and exciting way! My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers is a must read for those who want to engage God and be engaged by God .

my utmost for his highest

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Doomed Queen Anne by Carolyn Meyer|Book Review | Unclank

Love, check. Betrayals, check. Manipulation and murderous actions, check-check. Doomed Queen Anne by Carolyn Meyer is one riveting story that has everything, including the kitchen sink. The best thing about it is that it actually happened–centuries before Gossip Girl.

doomed queen anne

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God loves you? How? A simple explanation of His love | God and you

We have heard the phrase ‘God loves you’ so many times before. What does it really mean? How exactly does God love us? Read on as I try to simplify it in 5 simple points.

The mirror shows but a reflection

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Incomplete faith is stupidity | God and you

Ever heard the phrase “Have faith?” I’m sure that we’ve been through that phrase in our life more than once. Faith is such a disturbing thing. People hate it because some people abuse it’s existence – they become lazy, they lose out in life, they don’t walk their talk, and so many other things. People like that have incomplete faith which is, to put it bluntly, outright stupid.

Incomplete faith makes you worse than these two

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New Japanese Resto at SM Megamall | Food and Restaurant Review | Unclank

Craving for something Japanese, but not so? A new Japanese resto, in a casual setting opened last January 20, and Unclankers were there to experience the KARATE KID’s dry run.

Potato Balls 5pcs.; PhP39.00

Potato Balls 5pcs.; PhP39.00

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WWJD Stories for Teenagers | Book Review | Unclank

WWJD Stories for teenagers is a must-read for young men and women going through the hard times in the journey to adulthood. What would Jesus do? Walk with Jesus Daily! Be encouraged by these inspiring stories of teenagers to teenagers of every age!

wwjd stories for teenagers

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Time After Time by Quietdrive | Song review | Unclank

“If you’re lost you can look and you will find it….” Sounds familiar? You guessed it. Time After Time by Quietdrive was first sung by Cyndi Lauper with a light rock feel and a 90’s touch. So, if you keep searching your 90’s pile of music, you’ll definitely bump into it.

Quietdrive - when all that's left is you

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How to overcome insecurity when courting or being courted | God and you

It happens in any relationship right? Insecurity can take over and then trust begins to lose it’s grip. Ever happened to you before? Thought so. Just how do you overcome insecurity when you’re courting someone or when you’re being courted?

You know yourself - look at God's mirror: the Bible

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

How to save a life by The Fray | Song review | Unclank

Remember the time when you were giving an advice or two to a friend in need? You aren’t sure if he’ll listen or reject your help. It might end up in a fight or a reconciliation. How to save a life by The Fray depicts the perfect picture of a make or break point in a relationship between two people.

The Fray - How to save a life

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Karinderia Pinoy Meals | Food and Restaurant Review | Unclank

Remember my McDonald’s entry for a fast solution for the starvation? Well, here’s also one quick way to end your hungry lazy days— a trip to your nearest karinderia. Home cooked healthy meal, yeah other's home cooked food.

Infairness, they have a so-so giniling, I was expecting worse.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Earth X Review Part 2: Some Breakdown Tidbits | Unclank

Welcome back to part 2 of my Earth X Review. Today, we have a breakdown of the themes, plots and some characters of this series — I admit, it’s a bit too heavy to be extensive about it in one post but I’ll stick to the basics, just enough for you to know that this is not your typical run-off-the-mill graphic novel.

Captain America

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How to reveal the real discipler in you | God and you

We Christians can make good, diligent, disciplined, responsible and godly disciples. In fact we make such good disciples in church don’t we? But I say those disciples you make in church only reveal part of you. How do you reveal the real discipler in you?

What your children will grow up to be reveals the real discipler in you

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Stars and Boulevards by Augustana | Song review | Unclank

The phrase paints a pretty lonely picture doesn’t it? Stars and boulevards by Augustana takes you away to a setting where there are endless rooms of possibilities and yet the one end which the singer lands upon is the devastation of being left alone. Can you relate? Thought so.

Stars and boulevards by Augustana

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sherlock Holmes | Movie Review | Unclank

Such a nostalgic name right? Sherlock Holmes? It even registers in the vocabulary of Microsoft Word! Last time we’ve heard of the detective was early 1900’s it’s almost been a century since his last adventure. And now he’s back, he has his own movie, and he’s apparently Robert Downey Jr! Oh my goooosh!!!

Robert Downey Jr is Sherlock Holmes

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If God created you blind | God and you

Ever seen a blind man begging in the streets? Or a blind man singing by the corner with his guitar and put-up microphone? I wonder if they were born blind… Chances are, they were. It happens right? What if God created you blind? Do you think He’d say Oops?

This entry was inspired by Cat & Dog Theology by Bob Sjorgren & Gerald Robison

Stevie Wonder was born blind

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Let's play at Noriter Cafe | Food and Restaurant Review | Unclank

My next stop, Korean playground! Noriter Cafe is the new place for hang out of the students around Vito Cruz. If you’re looking for koreans, you might find some here, but no Korean food.

Noriter: Playground

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Monday, January 11, 2010

A Taste of Vietnam at Aquaknox | Unclank

Sorry that it’s taking time before I post. And this is the reason, I’ve been hopping around the world through my gastronomic trip around metro. Last time was Indian food, this time it’s Vietnamese.Xin chào!

Natasha’s King Prawns with Mangoes (with organic greens, red onions, mangoes, and lemon garlic dressing); PhP300.00

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God said that? So what? | Book Review | Unclank

God said that? So what? - Harold Sala

God said that? So what? - Harold Sala

What is the most important book in the world? The Bible! The book ‘God Said that? So what?’ by Harold Sala  is a great read if you want to use your handy paperweight as more than a way to keep your bills from flying off.

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