Thursday, April 25, 2013

How to Escape the Rat Race of Love, Courtship and Relationships

Rat LoveBroken hearts, empty promises, nostalgic feelings, and the longing to be love and be loved again. These are some of the now common phases of life that we go through. It seems normal to go through courtship, to have an 'In a Relationship' or 'It's Complicated' status in Facebook. Sadly, it also seems normal to have your heart broken and charge it to experience. Don't get trapped in the rat race of love, courtship and relationships.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Landing Page Optimization

Landing Pages Eight seconds. That is all the time you have to capture a person’s attention, according to The Associated Press. Busy schedules and non-stop media barrage are quickly taking up your potential customers’ attention. You have just eight seconds to make a solid impression and get them to your next step. In the digital world, this super, most important first impression is called your landing page.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bound by Chains: How to Break free from Sin and Hell

Chained by LustI admit, this is not a popular topic. Not in this day and age. No matter how you pepper it with soft, comfortable words, hell is a place that will always signal horror, regret, damnation and eternal suffering to each of us. There are things that we don't see - but oh how we feel it. And its effects extend to our physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual life.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Keyword Research, Targeting and Placement

Low Hanging Keywords Content Marketing and SEO are becoming tighter and tighter buddies. Special thanks to Google. And hey, it's not so bad when you're the end-user. There's more relevant, high-quality content because of all the content marketing that's happening. If you think you have great content that people should read and it's not happening, this post is what you are missing.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Confessions of a Christian Computer Games Addict

Video Game AddictThere are tons of people like me. You may not know it but your son or daughter, your brother or your sister, your neighbor, your cousin - we are all somehow in the same boat, rowing on the same strange ocean, against the same tide. I was once a computer game addict. This is my confession.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Entrusting Responsibility to New Leaders

Spiderman StatueI'm in that time of my life when there is a need to raise up leaders in the team. I'm finally finding out that it is not an easy task. In fact, it is quite difficult. It demands a lot from us. For this post, I will discuss the first crucial requirement that we have to give our up-coming leaders.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Five-Step Process of Training People

LeadershipI think it's high-time to start a new category in God and You - one about leadership. I’ve written a handful before but this time God is taking me to new levels about leadership – especially now that our team over at SEO Hacker has grown to about 15 people.